This research is concerned with the motion planning problem encountered by underactuated autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) in a mapless environment. A motion planning system based on deep reinforcement learning is proposed. This system, which directly optimizes the policy, is an end-to-end motion planning system. It uses sensor information as input and continuous surge force and yaw moment as output. It can reach multiple target points in a sequence while simultaneously avoiding obstacles. In addition, this study proposes a reward curriculum training method to solve the problem in which the number of samples required for random exploration increases exponentially with the number of steps needed to obtain a reward. At the same time, the negative impact of intermediate rewards can be avoided. The proposed system demonstrates good planning ability for a mapless environment and excellent ability to migrate to other unknown environments. The system also has resistance to current disturbances. The simulation results show that the proposed mapless motion planning system can guide an underactuated AUV in navigating to its desired targets without colliding with any obstacles.
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Sun, Y., Cheng, J., Zhang, G. et al. Mapless Motion Planning System for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Using Policy Gradient-based Deep Reinforcement Learning. J Intell Robot Syst 96, 591–601 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10846-019-01004-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10846-019-01004-2