This paper addresses the implementation of a web-based manufacturing process aid (WMPA) system to improve the quality of products in the electronic assembly shop floor by accelerating assemblers’ training and products’ revision progress. In the design of experiments, traditional paper-based MPA instructions are compared to the WMPA system in terms of total assembly time, the learning curve, and the number of assembly mistakes. For the novices’ group, the experimental results indicate that the WMPA system can be an efficient training tool that shortens the learning curve and improves assembly accuracy by 74 and 42 %, respectively for two independent products. There is no obvious difference for the mean assembly time during first product production. However, 3.6 % improvement for the assembly time during the comparatively complicate product is observed.
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This research was funded by the Watson Institute for Systems Excellence at State University of New York at Binghamton and Sanmina-SCI Corporation at Manchester, New Hampshire, USA. The authors thank Leonard J. Poch and David Hager for help with project implementation.
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Li, D., Raghavan, V. & Yoon, S.W. Implementation of web-based manufacturing process aid in the electronic assembly shop floor. J Intell Manuf 26, 1281–1290 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-013-0861-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-013-0861-8