Commonsense Question Answering (CQA) aims to select the correct answers to common knowledge questions. Most existing approaches focus on integrating external knowledge graph (KG) representations with question context representations to facilitate reasoning. However, the approaches cannot effectively select the correct answer due to (i) the incomplete reasoning chains when using knowledge graphs as external knowledge, and (ii) the insufficient understanding of semantic information of the question during the reasoning process. Here we propose a novel model, KA-AGN. First, we utilize a joint representation of dependency parse trees and language models to describe QA pairs. Next, we introduce question semantic information as nodes into a knowledge subgraph and compute the correlations between nodes using adaptive graph networks. Finally, bidirectional attention and graph pruning are employed to update the question representation and the knowledge subgraph representation. To evaluate the performance of our method, we conducted experiments on two widely used benchmark datasets: CommonsenseQA and OpenBookQA. The ablation experiment results demonstrate the effectiveness of the adaptive graph network in enhancing reasoning chains, while showing the ability of the joint representation of dependency parse trees and language models to correctly understand question semantics. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/agfsghfdhg/KAAGN-main.
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Kang, L., Li, X. & An, X. Knowledge-aware adaptive graph network for commonsense question answering. J Intell Inf Syst 62, 1305–1324 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10844-024-00854-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10844-024-00854-z