Here, we present a free web-accessible application, developed in the JAVA programming language for the calculation of vicinal coupling constant (3 J H,H) of organic molecules with the H–Csp3–Csp3–H fragment. This JAVA applet is oriented to assist chemists in structural and conformational analyses, allowing the user to calculate the averaged 3 J H,H values among conformers, according to its Boltzmann populations. Thus, the CAL3JHH program uses the Haasnoot–Leeuw–Altona equation, and, by reading the molecule geometry from a protein data bank (PDB) file format or from multiple pdb files, automatically detects all the coupled hydrogens, evaluating the data needed for this equation. Moreover, a “Graphical viewer” menu allows the display of the results on the 3D molecule structure, as well as the plotting of the Newman projection for the couplings.
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The 3 J H,H is defined as the splitting between the 1H chemical shifts peaks, originated by the additional contributions of the magnetic fields of vicinal hydrogens to the magnetic field of each hydrogen.
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Rotation and zoom operations are available trough pressing the x, y, z and t letter in keyboard while dragging the mouse.
The energies are only needed to compute the averaged values among conformers. The input of the energy values for the different conformers can be set manually in this table—the E(kcal/mol) values in the corresponding column can be edited, or by default the energy values are read from each PDB file when a ‘REMARK’ record is found beginning with the text ‘ENERGY(KCAL/MOL)=value’, (where value means the energy data).
The CAL3JHH has no restrictions on the number of molecules (or the file size) that can handle, except for the local hardware limitations.
Although, the protein backbone has no H-Csp3-Csp3-H torsion angles, and the calculation of vicinal coupling constants are applicable only to the substituents, we include this example to illustrate the power of calculation of CAL3JHH program to automatically recognize such coupling constants for large PDB files.
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We thank Dr. S. Melchor for its support on the 3D viewer algorithm. Junta de Andalucía is also acknowledged for their financial support (FQM-174). We also thank D. Nesbitt for reviewing the language of the English manuscript.
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This file is unfortunately not in the Publisher's archive anymore: All the examples discussed are included: pdb files and results of vicinal coupling constants calculation (jhh extension) (rar 455 KB)
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Aguirre-Valderrama, A., Dobado, J.A. CAL3JHH: a Java program to calculate the vicinal coupling constants (3JH,H) of organic molecules. J Comput Aided Mol Des 22, 907–914 (2008). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10822-008-9226-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10822-008-9226-3