We propose an approach for automated, potentially very fine-grain, spectrum transactions and marketplaces in order to flexibly and dynamically acquire spectrum rights in order to enable new applications and services also permitting the support of, or even guarantee, Quality-of-Service for ephemeral deployments. We describe both (multiple, by region or band) centralized marketplaces, based on traditional Information Technologies, and decentralized approaches, based on blockchains and smart contracts through either permissioneless or permissioned Distributed Ledger Technologies.
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G. C. Polyzos, Spectrum Smart Contracts for Ephemeral Connectivity Environments, invited presentation, panel on “Economy and Business Development for Spectrum Sharing,” 1st BEST NEST Invitational Workshop on New Paradigms in Intelligent Spectrum Management and Regulation: Future Directions, Technologies, Standards and Applications, December 2020. https://bestnest.wpi.edu/index.php/synapsis-2.
This brief exposition is based on ideas presented during the First BEST NEST Invitational Workshop on New Paradigms in Intelligent Spectrum Management and Regulation: Future Directions, Technologies [6]. The author thanks the organizers for the invitation and the opportunity to re-think and present the ideas. The author would also like to thank his PhD student and smart contract expert Iakovos Pittaras for the smart contract coding and related discussions.
No external funding has been received for this work.
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Polyzos, G.C. Smart Contracts for Decentralized Dynamic Spectrum Marketplaces. Int J Wireless Inf Networks 29, 275–280 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10776-022-00573-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10776-022-00573-8