In this paper, a routing protocol which utilizes the characteristics of Bluetooth technology is proposed for Bluetooth-based mobile ad hoc networks. The routing tables are maintained in the master devices and the routing zone radius for each table is adjusted dynamically by using evolving fuzzy neural networks. Observing there exists some useless routing packets which are helpless to build the routing path and increase the network loads in the existing ad hoc routing protocols, we selectively use multiple unicasts or one broadcast when the destination device is out of the routing zone radius coverage of the routing table. The simulation results show that the dynamic adjustment of the routing table size in each master device results in much less reply time of routing request, fewer request packets and useless packets compared with two representative protocols, Zone Routing Protocol and Dynamic Source Routing.
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Huang, CJ., Lai, WK., Hsiao, SY. et al. A Bluetooth Routing Protocol Using Evolving Fuzzy Neural Networks. International Journal of Wireless Information Networks 11, 131–146 (2004). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10776-004-7872-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10776-004-7872-5