Peer-to-peer systems offer attractive system management properties, including the ability of components that join the network to self-organize; scalability up to tens of thousands of members; the ability of the network to automatically repair its topology after node failures; and techniques for maintaining redundant information to improve reliability and load balancing. We investigate applying peer-to-peer techniques to Grid services that are oriented toward resource discovery. In particular, we apply the Chord structured peer-to-peer overlay network to the Globus Replica Location Service, which allows registration and discovery of data replicas. We describe the design and performance of a Peer-to-Peer Replica Location Service (P-RLS) that uses the Chord algorithm to self-organize P-RLS servers and exploits the Chord overlay network to replicate P-RLS mappings adaptively. We present performance measurements and simulation results for the P-RLS system. We also discuss outstanding issues for applying peer-to-peer techniques to Grid resource discovery services.
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- P2P:
- RLS:
Replica Location Service
- P-RLS:
Peer-to-peer Replica Location Service
- LRC:
Local Replica Catalog
- RLI:
Replica Location Index
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Chervenak, A.L., Cai, M. Applying Peer-to-Peer Techniques to Grid Replica Location Services. J Grid Computing 4, 49–69 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10723-005-9009-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10723-005-9009-1