In software development, issue tracker systems are widely used to manage bug reports. In such a system, a bug report can be filed, diagnosed, assigned, and fixed. In the standard process, a bug can be resolved as fixed, invalid, duplicated, or won’t fix. Although the above resolutions are well-defined and easy to understand, a bug report can end with a less -known resolution, i.e., a workaround. Compared with other resolutions, the definition of workarounds is more ambiguous. Besides the problem that is reported in a bug report, the resolution of a workaround raises more questions. Some questions are important for users, especially those programmers who build their projects upon others (e.g., libraries). Although some early studies have been conducted to analyze API workarounds, many research questions on workarounds are still open. For example, which bugs are resolved as workarounds? Why is a bug report resolved as a workaround? What are the repairs and impacts of workarounds? In this paper, we conduct the first empirical study to explore the above research questions. In particular, we analyzed 200 real workarounds that were collected from 81 Apache projects. Our results lead to eight findings and answers to all the above questions. For example, if bug reports are resolved as workarounds, their problems often either arise in external projects (40%) or reside in programming environments (23.5%). Although the problems of some workarounds (38.5%) reside in the project where they are reported, it is difficult to fix them fully and perfectly. Our findings are useful to understand workarounds, and to improve software projects and issue trackers.
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The data of this study have been deposited in the following public repository: https://github.com/tetradecane/Workaround_journal_website
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Yan, A., Zhong, H., Song, D. et al. How do programmers fix bugs as workarounds? An empirical study on Apache projects. Empir Software Eng 28, 96 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-023-10318-7
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-023-10318-7