Several studies have investigated the need for learning difficulties identification specifically Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia. The identification of these difficulties among children is a multiple screening process under psychologist’s supervision. Learning difficulties identification is a difficult task; it affects the learning process and the academic achievements of a child. The introduction of an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) to identify learning problems and teach the learning disabled through ITS is an unexplored domain. An ITS in education is extensively considered for the teaching and learning process as it is an adaptive and learner specific computer system. The capabilities of an ITS in integration with AI methodologies have put together promising results. The ITS framework implemented in this study is developed for learning disabilities identification and we have assessed total 24 participants (with or without Learning Disabilities) for the experiment. This ITS framework design is based on a pretest analysis through initial screening and then system based screening of a child response for Learning Difficulties (LDs) identification. The system based screening is implemented using neural network classifiers to identify learning difficulties. The fuzzy min-max neural network (FMNN) classification is applied to determine learner profile, learning disabled, and present learner-centered content. Fuzzy sets as pattern classes are introduced in supervised learning neural network classification for learner profiling of learning Disabled in an ITS. The results are generated based on the classification applied to the input provided during the pre-test. The results indicate that the integration of fuzzy with the neural network has significantly increased the ITS accuracy.
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This research work has been carried out at the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES) with Project No SEED/TIDE/133/2016. The authors gratefully acknowledge the funding support received from the Technology Interventions for Disabled and Elderly (TIDE) scheme under the Department of Science and Technology (DST). The authors express their gratitude towards the management of UPES for their support in research work.
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Annexure 1: A set of Pre-test Questions
Quiz number | Pre-test Questions |
Grade 1 | |
1 | Click on the letter matching given letter: V |
2 | Click on the letter matching given letter: B |
3 | Listen to audio and fill in the blanks: C__P |
4 | Arrange the letter to form a Word shown in the picture: L T I L T E / Y L O E L W / D C U K |
5 | Which picture best describes the word: PLAY |
6 | Count the fish and click the number |
7 | ADD: 5 + 3 |
8 | Subtract: 8–2 |
9 | Write the missing number: 5, 7, __,11 |
10 | Click on the left picture: |
11 | a. Say CUPCAKE without CAKE b. Say MATCHBOX without BOX c. Pronounce and Write INTERPRETATION |
12 | a. Count backwards from: 30–21 b. True/False: 2 > 3 c. Write in words: 97 d. Write the digits shown: 5 2 2 7 e. Subtract: 28–2 f. Addition: 28 + 2 |
13 | Connect the dotted fish imageand upload. |
14 | a. Pronounce the words given correctly:af am ab zikzab at am of see look b. Name the colors shown below? |
15 | Copy the lines in .txt file and upload |
16 | a. A bee has 6 legs. How many legs do 2 bees have? b. You have 7 cookies and you ate 2 of them. How many cookies do you have left? |
17 | Write the given line on a blank sheet, scan and upload. |
18 | a. Do they rhyme? HIT and HEIGHT say yes or no b. Do they rhyme? CUP and PUP say yes or no c. Merge the words PENCIL |
19 | Read the passage below aloud: |
Grade 2 | |
1 | Click on the tab matching given letters: Bfn |
2 | Which word rhyme with the word: FISH |
3 | Listen to audio and fill in the blanks: |
4 | Arrange the letter to form a Word shown in the picture: (Hint: I am the national flower of India.) |
5 | Arrange the words to form a meaningful sentence: RED ROSES ARE |
6 | What is the value of four in the number? 890,465 |
7 | Solve the given problem: 23 + 17–19 =? |
8 | Solve the given problem: 19*4 =? |
9 | Divide: 333 by 9 |
10 | Which dinosaur is in cylinder? |
11 | a. Say Confront without Con b. Pronounce and Write INTERSTELLAR c. Say Trustworthy without worthy |
12 | a. Count Backwards from: 130 to 120 b. True/False: 2550 > 2569 c. Write in words: 997 d. Write the digits shown: 6 5 5 2 2 7 e. Subtract: 528–72 f. Addition: 828 + 28 |
13 | Help the bee to reach flowers and upload image: |
14 | a. Pronounce the words given correctly: zikzabziszobzam see look monkey through dark b. Name the colours shown below? |
15 | Type the given text in .txt file and upload. |
16 | a. Ellen had 380 eggs, but she lost 57 of them. How many eggs does she have now? b. Arthur baked 35 muffins. How many more muffins does Arthur have to bake to have 83 muffins? |
17 | Write the given line on a blank sheet, scan and upload. |
18 | a. Do they rhyme? Six and Sticks say yes or no b. Do they rhyme? Seven and Heaven say yes or no c. Merge the words Net,working |
19 | Read the passage below aloud: |
Annexure 2: A Sample of Student profiles
Gender | Age | Learning Disabilities | |
Learner 1 | Male | 6 | Dyslexia |
Learner 2 | Male | 7 | Dyslexia,Dysgraphia, and Dyscalculia |
Learner 3 | Female | 7 | Non learning disabled |
Learner 4 | Male | 7 | Dyslexia,Dysgraphia |
Learner 5 | Male | 8 | Dyslexia |
Learner 6 | Male | 6 | Dyslexia |
Learner 7 | Female | 7 | Non learning disabled |
Learner 8 | Female | 8 | Dyscalculia |
Learner 9 | Male | 7 | Dyslexia |
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Dutt, S., Ahuja, N.J. & Kumar, M. An intelligent tutoring system architecture based on fuzzy neural network (FNN) for special education of learning disabled learners. Educ Inf Technol 27, 2613–2633 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-021-10713-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-021-10713-x