A covering array of strength t on v symbols is an array with the property that, for every t-set of column vectors, every one of the \(v^t\) possible t-tuples of symbols appears as a row at least once in the sub-array defined by these column vectors. Arrays constructed using m-sequences over a finite field possess many combinatorial properties and have been used to construct various combinatorial objects; see the recent survey Moura et al. (Des Codes Cryptogr 78(1):197–219, 2016). In this paper we construct covering arrays whose elements are the remainder of the division by some integer of the discrete logarithm applied to selected m-sequence elements. Inspired by the work of Colbourn (Des Codes Cryptogr 55(2–3):201–219, 2010), we prove our results by connecting the covering array property to a character sum, and we evaluate this sum by taking advantage of the balanced way in which the m-sequence elements are distributed. Our results include new infinite families of covering arrays of arbitrary strength.
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We would like to acknowledge the two anonymous referees whose comments considerably improved the paper.
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Tzanakis, G., Moura, L., Panario, D. et al. Covering arrays from m-sequences and character sums. Des. Codes Cryptogr. 85, 437–456 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10623-016-0316-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10623-016-0316-2
- Covering arrays
- Linear feedback shift register sequences
- Primitive polynomials over finite fields
- Characters over finite fields
- Character sums