Under the term behavioral data, we consider any type of data featuring individuals performing observable actions on entities. For instance, voting data depict parliamentarians who express their votes w.r.t. legislative procedures. In this work, we address the problem of discovering exceptional (dis)agreement patterns in such data, i.e., groups of individuals that exhibit an unexpected (dis)agreement under specific contexts compared to what is observed in overall terms. To tackle this problem, we design a generic approach, rooted in the Subgroup Discovery/Exceptional Model Mining framework, which enables the discovery of such patterns in two different ways. A branch-and-bound algorithm ensures an efficient exhaustive search of the underlying search space by leveraging closure operators and optimistic estimates on the interestingness measures. A second algorithm abandons the completeness by using a sampling paradigm which provides an alternative when an exhaustive search approach becomes unfeasible. To illustrate the usefulness of discovering exceptional (dis)agreement patterns, we report a comprehensive experimental study on four real-world datasets relevant to three different application domains: political analysis, rating data analysis and healthcare surveillance.
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Since the majorities of \(\langle u_1,u_2 \rangle \) voted respectively on \(\{e_1,e_2,\underline{e_3},e_4,\underline{e_5},\underline{e_6}\}\) as follows: \({ \langle \mathrm {For}, \mathrm {For}\rangle }, { \langle \mathrm {Against}, \mathrm {Against}\rangle }, \underline{ \langle {\textit{Against}}, {\textit{For}}\rangle }, { \langle \mathrm {For}, \mathrm {For}\rangle }, \underline{ \langle {\textit{For}}, {\textit{Against}}\rangle }, \underline{ \langle \mathrm {Against}, \mathrm {Against}\rangle } \).
DEBuNk stands for Discovering Exceptional inter-group Behavior patterNs.
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Different quality measures are proposed in Sect. 3.
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o(i, e) returns the outcome (e.g., vote, rating) expressed by an individual i (e.g., parliamentarian, user) to an entity e (e.g., legislative procedure, movie) if given.
\((a_{j}\in [v_{1}\ldots w_{1}]) \wedge _j (a_{j}\in [v_{2}\ldots w_{2}])=a_{j}\in [min(v_{1}, v_{2}) \ldots max(w_{1}, w_{2})]\) for numerical attributes . For categorical attributes \((a_{j}=v_1) \wedge _j (a_{j}=v_{2}) = v_1\) if \(v_1=v_2\) else \(\mathrm {true}_{j}\).
Note that this does not require S to have a corresponding description in \({\mathcal {D}}_{E}\).
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For the sake of brevity and clarity, the reader is referred to Belfodil et al. (2019) for technical details about the computation of \(|\downarrow r^g_j|\) and the uniform sampling of conditions \(r_j\) from \(\downarrow r^g_j\) for each attribute \(a_{j}\).
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Since common SD techniques require flat representations of the underlying dataset augmented with a target attribute, we have proposed two adaptations: SD-Majority for discovering (dis)agreement with the majority and SD-Cartesian for discovering (dis)agreement between two groups on the cartesian product \(G_{E}^{} \times G_{I}^{} \times G_{I}^{}\). In both of the aformentioned adaptations, the target is equal to 1 if there is an agreement, 0 else. Experiments are performed using PySubgroup (Lemmerich and Becker 2018) while utilizing the precision gain (Fürnkranz et al. 2012) as a quality measure. Moreover, to take into account the usual agreement between groups, we adapt Exceptional Subgraph Mining (Kaytoue et al. 2017) to discover contextual (dis)agreement in subgraphs representing individuals group pairs.
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This work has been partially supported by the project ContentCheck ANR-15-CE23-0025 funded by the French National Research Agency. The authors would like to thank the reviewers for their valuable remarks. Their thoughtful and deep comments allowed us to considerably improve this paper. They also warmly thank Wouter Duivesteijn, Albrecht Zimmermann and Aimene Belfodil for interesting discussions.
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Appendix: Proofs of theorems and propositions
Appendix: Proofs of theorems and propositions
Before giving the proof of the Proposition 1 we present the following lemma.
Lemma 1
Let \(n \in {\mathbb {N}}^*\), \(A = \{a_i\}_{1 \le i \le n}\) and \(B = \{b_i\}_{1 \le i \le n}\) such that:
We have:
Proof (Lemma 1)
Using the same notations of the lemma, we know that:
is of the same sign of:
This above quantity is equal to:
Which is equal to
Using the lemma hypotheses (orders between \(a_i\)’s and \(b_i\)’s), we have:
We conclude that
Hence, we have:
Similarly the inequality \(\frac{\sum _{i=1}^n a_i}{\sum _{i=1}^n b_i} \le \frac{\sum _{i=n-k+1}^n a_i}{\sum _{i=n-k+1}^n b_i}\) can be easily proved following the same line of reasoning of the proof of the first part of the inequality. \(\square \)
Proof (Proposition 1)
By a straightforward application of Lemma 1 we obtain for any d s.t. \(|G_{E}^{d}|\ge \sigma _E\) the following inequality.
This stems from the fact that \(LB(G_{E}^{d},G_{I}^{u_1},G_{I}^{u_2})\) takes the sum of the lowest \(\sigma _E\) quantities constituting the numerator of \(\mathrm {IAS}{}(G_{E}^{d},G_{I}^{u_1},G_{I}^{u_2})\) and divides them by the sum of the greatest \(\sigma _E\) quantities forming the denominator of \(\mathrm {IAS}{}(G_{E}^{d},G_{I}^{u_1},G_{I}^{u_2})\).
Moreover, we have that LB is monotonic w.r.t. \(\sqsubseteq \) of \({\mathcal {D}}_E\). i.e.
This results from \(c \sqsubseteq d \Rightarrow G_{E}^{d} \subseteq G_{E}^{c}\). Hence, if we reorder values of \(G_{E}^{c}\) and \(G_{E}^{d}\) where \(G_{E}^{c}=\{e^c_1,\ldots ,e^c_{|G_{E}^{c}|}\}\) and \(G_{E}^{d}=\{e^d_1,\ldots ,e^d_{|G_{E}^{d}|}\}\) as such:
Given that \(G_{E}^{d} \subseteq G_{E}^{c}\), it is clear that: \(\forall i\le \sigma _E,\; w_{e^c_i}\cdot \alpha (e^c_i) \le w_{e^d_i}\cdot \alpha (e^d_i)\). Having that \(m(G_{E}^{c},\sigma _E) = \{e^c_1,\ldots ,e^c_{\sigma _E}\}\) and \(m(G_{E}^{d},\sigma _E) = \{e^d_1,\ldots ,e^d_{\sigma _E}\}\), it follows that:
Similarly, if we reorder entities e in descending order w.r.t the weights \(w_e\) we have \(\forall j\le \sigma _E\;|\; w_{e^d_j} \le w_{e^c_j}\). Resulting in:
Hence, from (23) and (24) we have \(\mathrm {LB}(G_{E}^{c},G_{I}^{u_1},G_{I}^{u_2}) \le \mathrm {LB}(G_{E}^{d},G_{I}^{u_1},G_{I}^{u_2})\) and provided that \(LB(G_{E}^{d},G_{I}^{u_1},G_{I}^{u_2}) \le \mathrm {IAS}{}(G_{E}^{d},G_{I}^{u_1},G_{I}^{u_2})\) from (21), we have: \(\forall c,d \in {\mathcal {D}}_E,\;c \sqsubseteq d \Rightarrow \mathrm {LB}(G_{E}^{c},G_{I}^{u_1},G_{I}^{u_2}) \le \mathrm {IAS}{}(G_{E}^{d},G_{I}^{u_1},G_{I}^{u_2})\). \(\square \)
Proof (Proposition 2)
This proof is similar to the proof of Proposition 1. For the sake of brevity, we give a proof sketch. By a direct application of Lemma 1, it is clear that for any d s.t. \(|G_{E}^{d}|\ge \sigma _E\),
We have that UB is anti-monotonic w.r.t. \(\sqsubseteq \) of \({\mathcal {D}}_E\). i.e.
This results from \(c \sqsubseteq d \Rightarrow G_{E}^{d} \subseteq G_{E}^{c}\). Thus,
Hence, given (25) and (26) it follows that:
\(\square \)
Proof (Proposition 3)
given \(c,d \in {\mathcal {D}}_E\) such that \(c \sqsubseteq d\), using Proposition 1 we have:
Since \(\varphi _{\mathrm {consent}}(G_{E}^{d},G_{I}^{u_1},G_{I}^{u_2}) = \mathrm {max}(\mathrm {IAS}{}(G_{E}^{d},G_{I}^{u_1},G_{I}^{u_2}) - \mathrm {IAS}{}(G_{E}^{},G_{I}^{u_1},G_{I}^{u_2}),0)\) thus
\(\varphi _{\mathrm {consent}}(G_{E}^{d},G_{I}^{u_1},G_{I}^{u_2}) \le \mathrm{oe}_{\mathrm{consent}}(G_{E}^{c},G_{I}^{u_1},G_{I}^{u_2})\) .
Similarly we have:
Since \(\varphi _{\mathrm {dissent}}(G_{E}^{d},G_{I}^{u_1},G_{I}^{u_2}) = \mathrm {max}(\mathrm {IAS}{}(G_{E}^{},G_{I}^{u_1},G_{I}^{u_2}) - \mathrm {IAS}{}(G_{E}^{d},G_{I}^{u_1},G_{I}^{u_2}),0)\) we get \(\varphi _{\mathrm {dissent}}(G_{E}^{d},G_{I}^{u_1},G_{I}^{u_2}) \le oe_{dissent}(G_{E}^{c},G_{I}^{u_1},G_{I}^{u_2}).\)\(\square \)
Proof (Proposition 4)
Given that \(\forall (e, G_{I}^{u_1}, G_{I}^{u_2}) \in E \times 2^I \times 2^I\;:\;w(e, G_{I}^{u_1}, G_{I}^{u_2})=1\), we have for any \(c \in {\mathcal {D}}_E\) s.t. \( |G_{E}^{c}|\ge \sigma _E\),
It follows from the fact that \(M(G_{E}^{c},\sigma _E) \subseteq G_{E}^{c}\):
The subset S being for example the set \(M(G_{E}^{c},\sigma _E)\) itself. The same reasoning applies when considering \(\mathrm{oe}_{\mathrm{dissent}}\). In this case we consider the lower bound LB. We have:
Given that \(m(G_{E}^{c},\sigma _E) \subseteq E\), we have:
This proves that, if \(\mathrm {IAS}{}\) is a simple mean, for any \(c \in {\mathcal {D}}_E\) s.t. \( |G_{E}^{c}|\ge \sigma _E\):
Hence \(\mathrm{oe}_{\mathrm{consent}}\) and \(oe_{dissent}\) are tight optimistic estimates for respectively \(\varphi _{\mathrm {consent}}\) and \(\varphi _{\mathrm {dissent}}\) if the underlying \(\mathrm {IAS}\) is a simple average. \(\square \)
Before giving the proof of the Proposition 5 we present the following lemma.
Lemma 2
The sums of the number of all descriptions covering each record in G is equal to the sum of the supports of all descriptions in \({\mathcal {D}}_{}\). That is:
Proof (Lemma 2)
For \(g \in G\), we have \(\downarrow {\delta (g)}=\{d \in {\mathcal {D}}\;\)s. t.\(\;d \sqsubseteq \delta (g)\}\) and for \(d \in {\mathcal {D}}\), we have \(G_{}^{d} = \{g \in G\;\)s. t.\(\;d \sqsubseteq \delta (g)\}\). Let us define the indicator function on \({\mathcal {D}} \times G\):
Hence, we have \(|\downarrow {\delta (g)}|=\sum _{d \in {\mathcal {D}}} \mathbb {1}_{\sqsubseteq }(d,g) \) and \(|G_{}^{d}|=\sum _{g \in G} \mathbb {1}_{\sqsubseteq }(d,g)\) thus:
\(\square \)
Proof (Proposition 5)
We denote by \(\mathbf gs \) the random record drawn in line 1 and by \(\mathbf ds \) the random description drawn in line 2 of FBS.
It follows that from Lemma 2 that \({\mathbb {P}}(\mathbf ds = d) = \dfrac{|G_{}^{d}|}{\sum _{d' \in {\mathcal {D}}} |G_{}^{d'}|}. \qquad \qquad \qquad \;\;\)\(\square \)
Proof of (Proposition 6)
Given Proposition 5, it is clear that \(\forall p \in {\mathcal {P}} : p=(c,u_1,u_2) \)satisfies\({\mathcal {C}} \Rightarrow {\mathbb {P}}(p)=\frac{|\mathrm {ext}(p)|}{Z}>0\). with \(|\mathrm {ext}(p)| = |G_{E}^{c}|\times |G_{I}^{u_1}|\times |G_{I}^{u_2}|\) and \( Z=\sum _{p' \in {\mathcal {P}}} |\mathrm {ext}(p')|\) a normalizing factor. \(\square \)
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Belfodil, A., Cazalens, S., Lamarre, P. et al. Identifying exceptional (dis)agreement between groups. Data Min Knowl Disc 34, 394–442 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10618-019-00665-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10618-019-00665-9