The Quantified Constraint Satisfaction Problem (QCSP) extends classical CSP in a way which allows reasoning about uncertainty. In this paper I present novel algorithms for solving QCSP. Firstly I present algorithms to perform constraint propagation on reified disjunction constraints of any length. The algorithms make full use of quantifier information to provide a high level of consistency. Secondly I present a scheme to enforce the non-binary pure value rule. This rule is capable of pruning universal variables. Following this, two problems are modelled in non-binary QCSP: the game of Connect 4, and a variant of job-shop scheduling with uncertainty, in the form of machine faults. The job shop scheduling example incorporates probability bounding of scenarios (such that only fault scenarios above a probability threshold are considered) and optimization of the schedule makespan. These contribute to the art of modelling in QCSP, and are a proof of concept for applying QCSP methods to complex, realistic problems. Both models make use of the reified disjunction constraint, and the non-binary pure value rule. The example problems are used to evaluate the QCSP algorithms presented in this paper, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and to compare them to other QCSP approaches.
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Nightingale, P. Non-binary quantified CSP: algorithms and modelling. Constraints 14, 539–581 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10601-009-9068-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10601-009-9068-1