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Restarting the accelerated coordinate descent method with a rough strong convexity estimate

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Computational Optimization and Applications Aims and scope Submit manuscript


We propose new restarting strategies for the accelerated coordinate descent method. Our main contribution is to show that for a well chosen sequence of restarting times, the restarted method has a nearly geometric rate of convergence. A major feature of the method is that it can take profit of the local quadratic error bound of the objective function without knowing the actual value of the error bound. We also show that under the more restrictive assumption that the objective function is strongly convex, any fixed restart period leads to a geometric rate of convergence. Finally, we illustrate the properties of the algorithm on a regularized logistic regression problem and on a Lasso problem.

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Fig. 1
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The first author’s work was supported by the EPSRC Grant EP/K02325X/1 Accelerated Coordinate Descent Methods for Big Data Optimization, the Centre for Numerical Algorithms and Intelligent Software (funded by EPSRC grant EP/G036136/1 and the Scottish Funding Council), the Orange/Telecom ParisTech think tank Phi-TAB, the ANR Grant ANR-11-LABX-0056-LMH, LabEx LMH as part of the Investissement d’avenir project. The second author’s work was supported by Hong Kong Research Grant Council 27302016. This research was partially conducted using the HKU Information Technology Services research computing facilities that are supported in part by the Hong Kong UGC Special Equipment Grant (SEG HKU09).

Proof of Lemma 1 and Theorem 1

Proof of Lemma 1 and Theorem 1

Proof of Lemma 1

The Eq. (11) holds because \(\theta _{k+1}\) is the unique positive square root to the polynomial \(P(X) = X^2 + \theta _k^2 X - \theta _k^2\).

Let us prove (10) by induction. It is clear that \(\theta _0 \le \frac{2}{0+2/\theta _0}\). Assume that \(\theta _k \le \frac{2}{k+2/\theta _0}\). We know that \(P(\theta _{k+1}) = 0\) and that P is an increasing function on \([0 , +\infty ]\). So we just need to show that \(P\big (\frac{2}{k+1+2/\theta _0}\big )\ge 0\).

$$\begin{aligned} P\Big (\frac{2}{k+1+2/\theta _0}\Big ) = \frac{4}{(k+1+2/\theta _0)^2} + \frac{2}{k+1+2/\theta _0}\theta _k^2 - \theta _k^2 \end{aligned}$$

As \(\theta _k \le \frac{2}{k+2/\theta _0}\) and \(\frac{2}{k+1+2/\theta _0}-1 \le 0\),

$$\begin{aligned} P\Big (\frac{2}{k+1+2/\theta _0}\Big )&\ge \frac{4}{(k+1+2/\theta _0)^2} + \Big (\frac{2}{k+1+2/\theta _0} - 1\Big ) \frac{4}{(k+2/\theta _0)^2} \\&= \frac{4}{(k+1+2/\theta _0)^2 (k+2/\theta _0)^2} \ge 0. \end{aligned}$$

For the other inequality, \(\frac{(2-\theta _0)}{0+(2-\theta _0)/\theta _0} \le \theta _0\). We now assume that \(\theta _k \ge \frac{(2-\theta _0)}{k+(2-\theta _0)/\theta _0}\) but that \(\theta _{k+1} < \frac{(2-\theta _0)}{k+1+(2-\theta _0)/\theta _0}\). Remark that \((x \mapsto (1-x)/x^2)\) is strictly decreasing for \(x \in (0,2)\). Then, using (11), we have

$$\begin{aligned}&\frac{(k+1+(2-\theta _0)/\theta _0)^2}{(2-\theta _0)^2} -\frac{k+1+(2-\theta _0)/\theta _0}{2-\theta _0}\\&\quad < \frac{1-\theta _{k+1}}{\theta _{k+1}^2} \overset{(11)}{=} \frac{1}{\theta _k^2} \le \frac{(k+(2-\theta _0)/\theta _0)^2}{(2-\theta _0)^2}. \end{aligned}$$

This is equivalent to

$$\begin{aligned} (2 - (2- \theta _0)) (k+(2-\theta _0)/\theta _0) + 1 < (2-\theta _0) \end{aligned}$$

which obviously does not hold for any \(k \ge 0\). So \(\theta _{k+1} \ge \frac{(2-\theta _0)}{k+1+(2-\theta _0)/\theta _0}\).

Proof of Theorem 1

The proof is organised in 4 steps. Firstly, we derive a one-iteration inequality, secondly, we identify conditions under which this inequality is a supermartingale inequality, thirdly, we give a solution to the set of inequalities and finally, we bound the rate we obtain by a simpler formula.

Step 1: Derive a one-iteration inequality.

By Lemma 2 in [12], there exists nonnegative numbers \(\gamma _k^l\) such that for all k, \(\sum _{l=0}^k \gamma _k^l = 1\) and \(x_k = \sum _{l=0}^k \gamma _k^l z_l\). Let us denote \({\hat{F}}_k = f(x_k) + \sum _{l=0}^k \gamma _k^l \psi (z_l)\). We have \({\hat{F}}_k \ge F(x_k)\) where the inequality follows from the convexity of \(\psi \), and \({\hat{F}}_0 = F(x_0)\). By [12], for any \(x_* \in {\mathcal {X}}^*\),

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathbf {E}}_k[{\hat{F}}_{k+1}-F^*] \le (1-\theta _k)({\hat{F}}_k-F^*) + \frac{\theta _k^2}{2 \theta _0^2}\big (\left\| z_k - x_* \right\| _v^2 - {\mathbf {E}}_k[\left\| z_{k+1}-x_* \right\| _v^2]\big ) \end{aligned}$$

Let us denote \(x_*\) the unique element of \({\mathcal {X}}^*\). Using the equality

$$\begin{aligned} \left\| (1-\lambda )a + \lambda b \right\| ^2 = (1-\lambda )\left\| a \right\| ^2 + \lambda \left\| b \right\| ^2 - \lambda (1-\lambda ) \left\| a-b \right\| ^2 \end{aligned}$$

which is valid for any vectors a, b and \(\lambda \in {\mathbb {R}}\), we get,

$$\begin{aligned}&\left( 1-\frac{\theta _k}{\theta _0}\right) \left\| x_{k+1} - x_* \right\| ^2 + \frac{\theta _k}{\theta _0} \left\| x_{k+1} - z_{k+1} \right\| ^2 \nonumber \\&\quad = \left\| \left( 1-\frac{\theta _k}{\theta _0}\right) (x_{k+1} - x_*) + \frac{\theta _k}{\theta _0} (x_{k+1} - z_{k+1}) \right\| ^2 + \left( 1-\frac{\theta _k}{\theta _0}\right) \frac{\theta _k}{\theta _0}\left\| z_{k+1} - x_* \right\| ^2\nonumber \\ \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} x_{k+1} = (1-\theta _k)x_k + \frac{\theta _k}{\theta _0}z_{k+1} - \frac{\theta _k}{\theta _0}(1-\theta _0) z_k, \end{aligned}$$

we simplify \(\big (1-\frac{\theta _k}{\theta _0}\big ) (x_{k+1} - x_*) + \frac{\theta _k}{\theta _0} (x_{k+1} - z_{k+1}) = (1-\theta _k)x_k - \frac{\theta _k}{\theta _0}(1-\theta _0) z_k - \big (1-\frac{\theta _k}{\theta _0}\big ) x_*\).

We then reorganize (30) and use again (29) to get

$$\begin{aligned}&\left\| x_{k+1}-x_* \right\| _v^2 = \frac{1}{1-\theta _k/\theta _0} \left\| (1-\theta _k)x_k - \frac{\theta _k}{\theta _0}(1-\theta _0) z_k - (1-\theta _k/\theta _0)x_* \right\| _v^2 \nonumber \\&\qquad + \frac{\theta _k}{\theta _0}\left\| z_{k+1}-x_* \right\| _v^2 - \frac{\theta _k/\theta _0}{1-\theta _k/\theta _0}\left\| x_{k+1}- z_{k+1} \right\| _v^2 \nonumber \\&\quad = \frac{(1-\theta _k/\theta _0)^2}{1-\theta _k/\theta _0} \left\| \frac{1-\theta _k}{1-\theta _k/\theta _0}(x_k - x_*) - \frac{\theta _k(1-\theta _0)}{\theta _0(1-\theta _k/\theta _0)}(z_k - x_*) \right\| _v^2 \nonumber \\&\qquad + \frac{\theta _k}{\theta _0}\left\| z_{k+1}-x_* \right\| _v^2 - \frac{\theta _k/\theta _0}{1-\theta _k/\theta _0}\left\| x_{k+1}- z_{k+1} \right\| _v^2 \nonumber \\&\quad = (1-\theta _k)\left\| x_k-x_* \right\| _v^2 + \frac{\theta _k}{\theta _0}\left\| z_{k+1}-x_* \right\| _v^2 - \frac{\theta _k}{\theta _0}(1-\theta _0)\left\| z_k - x_* \right\| _v^2 \nonumber \\&\qquad + \frac{(1-\theta _k)\theta _k/\theta _0(1-\theta _0)}{1-\theta _k/\theta _0}\left\| x_k-z_k \right\| _v^2 - \frac{\theta _k/\theta _0}{1-\theta _k/\theta _0}\left\| x_{k+1}- z_{k+1} \right\| _v^2 \end{aligned}$$

When \(k=0\), \(x_0 = z_0\) and \(z_1 = x_1\) implies that the inequality still holds with the convention \(0/0 = 0\).

Let us consider nonnegative sequences \((a_k)\), \((b_k)\), \((c_k)\), \((d_k)\) and \((\sigma ^K_k)\) and study the quantity

$$\begin{aligned} C_{k+1}= & {} a_{k+1}({\hat{F}}_{k+1} - F^*) + \frac{b_{k+1}}{2} \left\| x_{k+1} - x_* \right\| _v^2 + \frac{c_{k+1}}{2} \left\| z_{k+1} - x_* \right\| _v^2\\&+ \frac{d_{k+1}}{2} \left\| x_{k+1}-z_{k+1} \right\| _v^2 \end{aligned}$$

By the strong convexity condition of F, we have:

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{1}{2} \Vert x_{k+1}-x_*\Vert _v^2 \le \frac{1}{\mu }(F(x_{k+1}) - F^*). \end{aligned}$$

Hence, we get for any \(\sigma _{k+1}^K \in [0,1]\), (the usefulness of superscript K will become clear later)

$$\begin{aligned}&{\mathbf {E}}_k[C_{k+1}] \overset{(31)}{\le } {\mathbf {E}}_k\left[ \left( a_{k+1}+\frac{b_{k+1}\sigma ^K_{k+1}}{\mu }\right) ({\hat{F}}_{k+1} - F^*) \right. \\&\quad + \frac{b_{k+1}}{2}(1-\sigma ^K_{k+1})(1-\theta _k)\left\| x_k-x_* \right\| _v^2 \\&\quad + \left( c_{k+1} + b_{k+1}(1-\sigma ^K_{k+1})\frac{\theta _k}{\theta _0} \right) \frac{1}{2} \left\| z_{k+1}-x_* \right\| _v^2 \\&\quad -\frac{b_{k+1}}{2}(1-\sigma ^K_{k+1}) \frac{\theta _k}{\theta _0}(1-\theta _0)\left\| z_k - x_* \right\| _v^2 \\&\quad + \frac{b_{k+1}}{2}(1-\sigma ^K_{k+1})\frac{(1-\theta _k)\theta _k/\theta _0(1-\theta _0)}{1-\theta _k/\theta _0}\left\| x_k-z_k \right\| _v^2 \\&\quad \left. + \left( d_{k+1} - b_{k+1}(1-\sigma ^K_{k+1})\frac{\theta _k/\theta _0}{1-\theta _k/\theta _0}\right) \frac{1}{2}\left\| x_{k+1}- z_{k+1} \right\| _v^2 \right] \end{aligned}$$

Applying (28) we get:

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathbf {E}}_k[C_{k+1}]&\le (1-\theta _k)\left( a_{k+1}+\frac{b_{k+1}\sigma ^K_{k+1}}{\mu }\right) ({\hat{F}}_{k} - F^*) \\&\quad + \frac{b_{k+1}}{2}(1-\sigma ^K_{k+1})(1-\theta _k)\left\| x_k-x_* \right\| _v^2 \\&\quad + \left( c_{k+1} + b_{k+1}(1-\sigma ^K_{k+1})\frac{\theta _k}{\theta _0}\right. \\&\quad \left. -\left( a_{k+1}+\frac{b_{k+1}\sigma ^K_{k+1}}{\mu }\right) \frac{\theta _k^2}{\theta _0^2} \right) \frac{1}{2} {\mathbf {E}}_k[\left\| z_{k+1}-x_* \right\| _v^2]\\&\qquad \left( \left( a_{k+1}+\frac{b_{k+1}\sigma ^K_{k+1}}{\mu }\right) \frac{\theta _k^2}{\theta _0^2}\right. \\&\quad \left. -b_{k+1}(1-\sigma ^K_{k+1}) \frac{\theta _k}{\theta _0}(1-\theta _0)\right) \frac{1}{2} \left\| z_k - x_* \right\| _v^2 \\&\quad + \frac{b_{k+1}}{2}(1-\sigma ^K_{k+1})\frac{(1-\theta _k)\theta _k/\theta _0(1-\theta _0)}{1-\theta _k/\theta _0}\left\| x_k-z_k \right\| _v^2 \\&\quad + \left( d_{k+1} - b_{k+1}(1-\sigma ^K_{k+1})\frac{\theta _k/\theta _0}{1-\theta _k/\theta _0}\right) \frac{1}{2}{\mathbf {E}}_k[\left\| x_{k+1}- z_{k+1} \right\| _v^2] \end{aligned}$$

Step 2: Conditions to get a supermartingale.

In order to have the supermartingale inequality \({\mathbf {E}}_k[ C_{k+1}]\le C_k\), we need the following constraints on the parameters for \(k \in \{0, \ldots , K-1\}\):

$$\begin{aligned} a_k&\ge (1-\theta _k)\left( a_{k+1}+\frac{b_{k+1}\sigma ^K_{k+1}}{\mu }\right) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} b_k&\ge b_{k+1}(1-\sigma ^K_{k+1})(1-\theta _k) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} c_{k+1}&\le \left( a_{k+1}+\frac{b_{k+1}\sigma ^K_{k+1}}{\mu }\right) \frac{\theta _k^2}{\theta _0^2} - b_{k+1}(1-\sigma ^K_{k+1})\frac{\theta _k}{\theta _0} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} c_k&\ge \left( a_{k+1}+\frac{b_{k+1}\sigma ^K_{k+1}}{\mu }\right) \frac{\theta _k^2}{\theta _0^2}-b_{k+1}(1-\sigma ^K_{k+1}) \frac{\theta _k}{\theta _0}(1-\theta _0) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} d_{k+1}&\le b_{k+1}(1-\sigma ^K_{k+1})\frac{\theta _k/\theta _0}{1-\theta _k/\theta _0} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} d_k&\ge b_{k+1}(1-\sigma ^K_{k+1})\frac{(1-\theta _k)\theta _k/\theta _0(1-\theta _0)}{1-\theta _k/\theta _0} \end{aligned}$$

(as \(x_0-z_0 = 0\) and \(x_1 = z_1\), there is no constraint on \(d_0\) and \(d_1\)). We also add the constraints

$$\begin{aligned} a_0 = (1-\theta _0)(b_0 + c_0) = \frac{1-\theta _0}{\theta _0^2} \end{aligned}$$

in order to get \(C_0 = \frac{1-\theta _0}{\theta _0^2} {\hat{F}}_0 + \frac{1}{2\theta _0^2}\left\| x_0 - x_* \right\| ^2_v + \frac{d_0}{2} \left\| x_0 - x_0 \right\| ^2_v = \varDelta _0\) and

$$\begin{aligned} c_K&= 0 \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} a_K&= (1-\theta _0)b_K \;. \end{aligned}$$

If we can find a set of nonnegative sequences satisfying (32)–(40), then we have

$$\begin{aligned} b_K \varDelta (x_K)= & {} \frac{a_K}{\theta _0^2} (F(x_K) - F^*) + \frac{b_K}{2\theta _0^2} \left\| x_K - x_* \right\| _v^2 \nonumber \\\le & {} \frac{a_0}{\theta _0^2} (F(x_0) - F^*) + \frac{b_0+c_0}{2\theta _0^2} \left\| x_0 - x_* \right\| _v^2 = (b_0+c_0)\varDelta (x_0)\;. \end{aligned}$$

Step 3: Explicit solution of the inequalities.

By analogy to the gradient case, we are looking for such sequences saturating (32)–(35). For \(k \in \{1,\dots , K-1\}\), equality in (32)–(35) can be fulfilled only if

$$\begin{aligned} \sigma ^K_k = \frac{1 - \frac{\theta _k}{\theta _{k-1}}\frac{1-\theta _0}{1-\theta _k}}{1 + \frac{\theta _{k-1}}{\theta _0 \mu }}, \qquad k \in \{1,\dots , K-1\} \;. \end{aligned}$$

Indeed, the saturation requirement leads to

$$\begin{aligned}&c_k \overset{eq. in (34)}{=} \left( a_{k}+\frac{b_{k}\sigma ^K_{k}}{\mu }\right) \frac{\theta _{k-1}^2}{\theta _0^2} - b_{k}(1-\sigma ^K_{k})\frac{\theta _{k-1}}{\theta _0} \\&\quad \overset{eq. in (35)}{=} \left( a_{k+1}+\frac{b_{k+1}\sigma ^K_{k+1}}{\mu }\right) \frac{\theta _k^2}{\theta _0^2}-b_{k+1}(1-\sigma ^K_{k+1}) \frac{\theta _k}{\theta _0}(1-\theta _0) \\&\quad \overset{eq. in (32)+(33)}{=} \frac{a_k}{1-\theta _k} \frac{\theta _k^2}{\theta _0^2} - \frac{b_k}{1-\theta _k} \frac{\theta _k}{\theta _0}(1-\theta _0) \end{aligned}$$

We get the formula for \(\sigma ^K_k\) by removing \(a_k\) on both sides thanks to \(\theta _{k-1}^2 = \frac{\theta _k^2}{1-\theta _k}\) and by dividing by \(b_k\). Note that we have \(\sigma _k^K \le 1 - \frac{\theta _k}{\theta _{k-1}}\frac{1-\theta _0}{1-\theta _k} \le 1 - \frac{1-\theta _0}{1-\theta _k} \le 1 - (1-\theta _0) \le \theta _0\).

For \(k = K\), we would like to ensure (39) and (40). This can be done by taking

$$\begin{aligned} \sigma ^K_K = \frac{1 - \frac{\theta _{K-1}}{\theta _0}(1-\theta _0)}{1 + \frac{\theta _{K-1}}{\theta _0\mu }} \;. \end{aligned}$$

Here also, \(\sigma _K^K \le \theta _0\).

Having found \((\sigma ^K_k)\), we can get \((b_k)\) as a function of \(b_0\) through the equality in (33)

$$\begin{aligned} b_k = \Big ( \prod _{l=0}^{k-1} \frac{1}{(1-\theta _l)(1-\sigma ^K_{l+1})} \Big )b_0 = \frac{\theta _{-1}^2}{\theta _{k-1}^2} \Big (\prod _{l=1}^{k} \frac{1}{1-\sigma ^K_{l}}\Big )b_0 \end{aligned}$$

and \((a_k)\) as a function of \(b_0\) through the equality in (32)

$$\begin{aligned} a_k&= \frac{1}{1-\theta _{k-1}} a_{k-1} - \frac{b_k \sigma _k^K}{\mu }= \frac{\theta _{k-2}^2}{\theta _{k-1}^2} a_{k-1} - \frac{b_k \sigma _k^K}{\mu } = \frac{\theta _{-1}^2}{\theta _{k-1}^2} a_0 - \sum _{l=1}^k \frac{\sigma ^K_l}{\mu }\frac{\theta _{l-1}^2}{\theta _{k-1}^2}b_l \\&= \frac{\theta _{-1}^2}{\theta _{k-1}^2} a_0 - \frac{\theta _{-1}^2}{\theta _{k-1}^2}\sum _{l=1}^k \frac{\sigma ^K_l}{\mu }\Big (\prod _{j=1}^{l} \frac{1}{1-\sigma ^K_{j}}\Big )b_0 . \end{aligned}$$

Using equality in (34) and (35), we get the relation

$$\begin{aligned} c_{k+1} = c_k - \frac{\theta _k}{1-\theta _k}b_k \end{aligned}$$

and so

$$\begin{aligned} c_k = c_0 - \sum _{l=0}^{k-1} \frac{\theta _l}{1-\theta _l}b_l \end{aligned}$$

This gives us the opportunity to calculate \(b_0\) because

$$\begin{aligned} c_K = 0 = c_0 - \sum _{l=0}^{K-1} \frac{\theta _l}{1-\theta _l}b_l \end{aligned}$$

Hence, we get two equalities:

$$\begin{aligned} c_0 + b_0&= \frac{1}{\theta _0^2} \\ c_0&= \sum _{l=0}^{K-1} \frac{\theta _l}{1-\theta _l} \frac{\theta _{-1}^2}{\theta _{l-1}^2}\prod _{j=1}^{l} \frac{1}{1-\sigma ^K_{j}} b_0 \end{aligned}$$

and so since \(\theta _{l-1}^2 = \theta _l^2/(1-\theta _l) \)

$$\begin{aligned} b_0 = \frac{1}{\theta _0^2} \frac{1}{1 + \sum _{l=0}^{K-1} \frac{\theta _{-1}^2}{\theta _{l}}\prod _{j=1}^{l} \frac{1}{1-\sigma ^K_{j}}}\;. \end{aligned}$$

We then need to check that there is a feasible sequence \((d_k)\). Indeed such a sequence exists because the upper and lower bound satisfy

$$\begin{aligned}&b_{k}(1-\sigma ^K_{k})\frac{\theta _{k-1}/\theta _0}{1-\theta _{k-1}/\theta _0} \ge d_k \ge b_{k+1}(1-\sigma ^K_{k+1})\frac{(1-\theta _k)\theta _k/\theta _0(1-\theta _0)}{1-\theta _k/\theta _0} \\&\quad \overset{eq. in (33)}{\Leftrightarrow } \sigma ^K_{k} \le 1 - (1-\theta _0)\frac{1/\theta _{k-1} - 1/\theta _0}{1/\theta _k - 1/\theta _0} \end{aligned}$$

which is true for all \(k \ge 2\) because \(\sigma ^K_k \le \theta _0\).

Up to now, we have constructed sequences \((\sigma _k^K)\), \((a_k)\), \((b_k)\), \((c_k)\) and \((d_k)\) that clearly satisfy (32) to (39). Moreover, \(\sigma _k^K \in [0,1]\), \(b_k \ge 0\), \(c_k \ge 0\) and \(d_k \ge 0\).

We can then easily check that \(c_K = 0\) and (42) implies that \(a_{K} = (1-\theta _0) b_K\). Hence, \(a_K \ge 0\). By recursively looking at (32), we deduce that \(a_k \ge 0\) for all \(k \le K\).

Now that we have the sequences, using the relation (41), we can compute the rate as

$$\begin{aligned} \rho _K&= \frac{b_0 + c_0}{b_K} = \frac{1}{\theta _0^2} \frac{\theta _{K-1}^2}{\theta _{-1}^2}\Big (\prod _{l'=1}^{K} (1-\sigma ^K_{l'})\Big ) \theta _0^2 \Big (1 + \sum _{l=0}^{K-1} \frac{\theta _{-1}^2}{\theta _{l}}\prod _{j=1}^{l} \frac{1}{1-\sigma ^K_{j}}\Big )\\&=\frac{\theta _{K-1}^2}{\theta _{-1}^2} \Big (\prod _{l'=1}^{K} (1-\sigma ^K_{l'}) + \sum _{l=0}^{K-1} \frac{\theta _{-1}^2}{\theta _{l}}\prod _{j=l+1}^{K} (1-\sigma ^K_{j})\Big ) \end{aligned}$$

Hence, we obtain that

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathbf {E}}[\varDelta (x_K)] \le \frac{\theta _{K-1}^2}{\theta _{-1}^2} \Big (\prod _{l'=1}^{K} (1-\sigma ^K_{l'}) + \sum _{l=0}^{K-1} \frac{\theta _{-1}^2}{\theta _{l}}\prod _{j=l+1}^{K} (1-\sigma ^K_{j})\Big ) \varDelta (x_0) = \rho _K \varDelta (x_0) \end{aligned}$$

where \(\theta _{-1}^2 = \frac{\theta _0^2}{1-\theta _0}\) and

$$\begin{aligned} \sigma ^K_k&= \frac{1 - \frac{\theta _k}{\theta _{k-1}}\frac{1-\theta _0}{1-\theta _k}}{1 + \frac{\theta _{k-1}}{\theta _0 \mu }}, \qquad k \in \{1, K-1\} \\ \sigma ^K_K&= \frac{1 - \frac{\theta _{K-1}}{\theta _0}(1-\theta _0)}{1 + \frac{\theta _{K-1}}{\theta _0\mu }}. \end{aligned}$$

Step 4: bound\(\rho _K\)by induction.

$$\begin{aligned} \rho _1&= \frac{\theta _{0}^2}{\theta _{-1}^2} \Big ((1-\sigma _{1}^1) + \frac{\theta _{-1}^2}{\theta _{0}}(1-\sigma _{1}^1)\Big ) = (1-\theta _0)\frac{\frac{\theta _0}{\theta _0\mu } + \frac{\theta _0}{\theta _0}(1-\theta _0)}{1 + \frac{\theta _0}{\theta _0 \mu }}\left( 1+\frac{\theta _0}{1-\theta _0}\right) \\&= \frac{1 + (1-\theta _0)\mu }{1+\mu } \le \frac{1 + (1-\theta _0)\mu }{1+\frac{\theta _0^2}{2\theta _0^2}\mu } \end{aligned}$$

Let us now assume that \(\rho _K \le \frac{1 + (1-\theta _0)\mu }{1+\frac{\theta _0^2\mu }{2\theta _{K-1}^2}}\).

$$\begin{aligned} \rho _{K+1}&= \frac{\theta _{K}^2}{\theta _{-1}^2} \Big (\prod _{l'=1}^{K+1} (1-\sigma ^{K+1}_{l'}) + \sum _{l=0}^{K} \frac{\theta _{-1}^2}{\theta _{l}}\prod _{j=l+1}^{K+1} (1-\sigma ^{K+1}_{j})\Big ) \\&= \frac{\theta _{K}^2}{\theta _{K-1}^2}\frac{\theta _{K-1}^2}{\theta _{-1}^2}(1-\sigma _{K+1}^{K+1})\frac{1-\sigma _{K}^{K+1}}{1-\sigma _K^K} \left( \prod _{l'=1}^{K} (1-\sigma ^{K}_{l'})\right. \\&\quad + \sum _{l=0}^{K-1} \frac{\theta _{-1}^2}{\theta _{l}}\prod _{j=l+1}^{K} (1-\sigma ^{K}_{j}) \\&\quad \left. + \frac{\theta _{-1}^2}{\theta _{K}} \frac{1-\sigma ^{K}_{K}}{1-\sigma _K^{K+1}} \right) \\&= (1-\theta _K) (1-\sigma _{K+1}^{K+1})\frac{1-\sigma _{K}^{K+1}}{1-\sigma _K^K} \left( \rho _K + \frac{\theta _{K-1}^2}{\theta _K}\frac{1-\sigma ^{K}_{K}}{1-\sigma _K^{K+1}} \right) \\&= (1-\theta _K) \frac{1+ \frac{\theta _0 \mu }{\theta _{K}}(1-\theta _0)}{1+\frac{\theta _0 \mu }{\theta _{K}}} \rho _K + \frac{1 + (1-\theta _0) \mu }{1+ \frac{\theta _0 \mu }{\theta _K}}\theta _K \end{aligned}$$

We now use the induction hypothesis.

$$\begin{aligned} \rho _{K+1}&\le (1-\theta _K) \frac{1+ \frac{\theta _0 \mu }{\theta _{K}}(1-\theta _0)}{1+\frac{\theta _0 \mu }{\theta _{K}}} \frac{1 + (1-\theta _0)\mu }{1+\frac{\theta _0^2}{2\theta _{K-1}^2}\mu }+ \frac{1 + (1-\theta _0) \mu }{1+ \frac{\theta _0 \mu }{\theta _K}}\theta _K \\&\le \frac{1 + (1-\theta _0)\mu }{1+\frac{\theta _0^2\mu }{2\theta _{K}^2}} \end{aligned}$$

The last inequality comes from the fact that

$$\begin{aligned}&\frac{1+ \frac{\theta _0 \mu }{\theta _{K}}(1-\theta _0)}{1+\frac{\theta _0 \mu }{\theta _{K}}} \frac{1-\theta _K}{1+\frac{\theta _0^2\mu }{2\theta _{K-1}^2}}+ \frac{\theta _K}{1+ \frac{\theta _0 \mu }{\theta _K}} \le \frac{1}{1+\frac{\theta _0^2\mu }{2\theta _{K}^2}} \\&\quad \Leftrightarrow (1-\theta _K) \left( 1+ \frac{\theta _0 \mu }{\theta _{K}}(1-\theta _0)\right) \left( 1+\frac{\theta _0^2\mu }{2\theta _{K}^2}\right) + \theta _K \left( 1+\frac{\theta _0^2\mu }{2\theta _{K}^2}\right) \left( 1+\frac{\theta _0^2\mu }{2\theta _{K-1}^2}\right) \\&\quad \le \left( 1+\frac{\theta _0^2\mu }{2\theta _{K-1}^2}\right) \left( 1+\frac{\theta _0 \mu }{\theta _{K}}\right) \\&\quad \Leftrightarrow 0 + \mu \left[ (1-\theta _K)\frac{\theta _0(1-\theta _0)}{\theta _{K}} + \frac{(1-\theta _K)\theta _0^2}{2\theta _{K}^2} + \frac{\theta _K\theta _0^2}{2\theta _{K-1}^2} \right. \\&\qquad \left. + \frac{\theta _K\theta _0^2}{2 \theta _{K}^2} - \frac{\theta _0^2}{2 \theta _{K-1}^2} - \frac{\theta _0}{\theta _K}\right] \\&\qquad + \mu ^2 \left[ \frac{(1-\theta _K)\theta _0^3(1-\theta _0)}{2 \theta _K^2 \theta _{K}} + \frac{\theta _K\theta _0^4}{4 \theta _{K-1}^2 \theta _K^2} - \frac{\theta _0^3}{2 \theta _{K-1}^2\theta _K} \right] \le 0 \end{aligned}$$

and both terms in the brackets are nonpositive for all K: they are respectively equal to \(-\theta _0(1-\theta _0)\) and \(-\frac{\theta _0^4}{2 \theta _K^3}(1-\theta _K)\).

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Fercoq, O., Qu, Z. Restarting the accelerated coordinate descent method with a rough strong convexity estimate. Comput Optim Appl 75, 63–91 (2020).

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