Semantic role labeling is traditionally viewed as a sentence-level task concerned with identifying semantic arguments that are overtly realized in a fairly local context (i.e., a clause or sentence). However, this local view potentially misses important information that can only be recovered if local argument structures are linked across sentence boundaries. One important link concerns semantic arguments that remain locally unrealized (null instantiations) but can be inferred from the context. In this paper, we report on the SemEval 2010 Task-10 on “Linking Events and Their Participants in Discourse”, that addressed this problem. We discuss the corpus that was created for this task, which contains annotations on multiple levels: predicate argument structure (FrameNet and PropBank), null instantiations, and coreference. We also provide an analysis of the task and its difficulties.
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After the completion of the shared task, information about negation was added as another annotation layer to the corpus (Morante et al. 2011). Since the current article focuses on the SemEval-2010 Shared Task on “Linking Events and Their Participants in Discourse”, we will not provide information about the negation annotation here.
PropBank annotations were created semi-automatically using the FrameNet annotations as a starting point (see Sect. 2.3).
By whole phrases we refer to whole phrases according to human understanding. The nodes we label don’t need to cover complete, single phrases in the imperfect syntax trees we use.
A more common but idiomatic formulation that conveys a related metaphorical notion of ending is “lay to rest”.
The FrameNet group added a small number of frames for our shared task. These were then part of FrameNet 1.4 alpha, the special release that was made available for task participants.
We allowed annotators to make these assignments as we were in touch with the FrameNet team and new lexical units were included in the FrameNet 1.4 alpha release provided to the task participants.
We provide the comparison for each pair in only one direction. The numbers for the other direction can be found by simply switching recall and precision.
Given that word sense disambiguation had to be performed and that the rates of FE omission were not that high for the two predicates, finding these 200 instances involved inspecting many more instances than those 200 retained at the end.
The annotation was done on plain text in a simple text-editor rather than in Salto on top of a parse tree, which made it more tiring and difficult.
Note that we discuss the usefulness of the above heuristics only in relation to system-building. These heuristics were not used in the manual annotation of the training and test data, which was instance-based and context-sensitive.
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We would like to thank Collin Baker, Martha Palmer and Jinho D. Choi for their collaboration on the SemEval task. We are also grateful to our annotators Markus Dräger, Lisa Fuchs, and Corinna Schorr and to the anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments and useful feedback. Josef Ruppenhofer was supported by the German Research Foundation DFG under grant PI 154/9-3 and Caroline Sporleder as part of the Cluster of Excellence Multimodal Computing and Interaction (MMCI). Roser Morante’s research was funded by the GOA project BIOGRAPH of the University of Antwerp.
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Ruppenhofer, J., Lee-Goldman, R., Sporleder, C. et al. Beyond sentence-level semantic role labeling: linking argument structures in discourse. Lang Resources & Evaluation 47, 695–721 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10579-012-9201-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10579-012-9201-4