Case law retrieval is the task of locating truly relevant legal cases given an input query case. Unlike information retrieval for general texts, this task is more complex with two phases (legal case retrieval and legal case entailment) and much harder due to a number of reasons. First, both the query and candidate cases are long documents consisting of several paragraphs. This makes it difficult to model with representation learning that usually has restriction on input length. Second, the concept of relevancy in this domain is defined based on the legal relation that goes beyond the lexical or topical relevance. This is a real challenge because normal text matching will not work. Third, building a large and accurate legal case dataset requires a lot of effort and expertise. This is obviously an obstacle to creating enough data for training deep retrieval models. In this paper, we propose a novel approach called supporting model that can deal with both phases. The underlying idea is the case–case supporting relation and the paragraph–paragraph as well as the decision-paragraph matching strategy. In addition, we propose a method to automatically create a large weak-labeling dataset to overcome the lack of data. The experiments showed that our solution has achieved the state-of-the-art results for both case retrieval and case entailment phases.
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This work was supported by JSPS Kakenhi Grant nos. 20H04295, 20K20406, and 20K20625. The research also was supported in part by the Asian Office of Aerospace R &D (AOARD), Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Grant no. FA2386-19-1-4041).
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Appendix 1: Legal case retrieval on a large number of “noticed” case sample
See Table 13.
Appendix 2: Legal case retrieval on limited “noticed” cases sample
See Table 14.
Appendix 3: Sample in legal case entailment phase
See Table 15.
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Vuong, Y.TH., Bui, Q.M., Nguyen, HT. et al. SM-BERT-CR: a deep learning approach for case law retrieval with supporting model. Artif Intell Law 31, 601–628 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10506-022-09319-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10506-022-09319-6