The main contribution of the paper is to unveil the role of the network structure in the financial markets to improve the portfolio selection process, where nodes indicate securities and edges capture the dependence structure of the system. Three different methods are proposed in order to extract the dependence structure between assets in a network context. Starting from this modified structure, we formulate and then we solve the asset allocation problem. We find that the optimal portfolios obtained through a network-based approach are composed mainly of peripheral assets, which are poorly connected with the others. These portfolios, in the majority of cases, are characterized by an higher trade-off between performance and risk with respect to the traditional global minimum variance portfolio. Additionally, this methodology benefits of a graphical visualization of the selected portfolio directly over the graphic layout of the network, which helps in improving our understanding of the optimal strategy.
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This sensitivity has generally been attributed to the tendency of the optimization to magnify the effects of estimation error. Michaud in Michaud and Michaud (2008) referred to “portfolio optimization” as “error maximization”. Efforts to improve parameters estimation procedure include among others the papers (Ledoit and Wolf 2004; Martellini and Ziemann 2009). Empirical analyses have shown that the use of improved estimators for moments and co-moments leads to higher out-of-sample performance compared to the sample estimation, see among others Hitaj and Zambruno (2016).
As well-known, a closed-form solution of the GMV problem exists if short selling is allowed.
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We point out that OR ratio is very sensitive to values of \(\epsilon \) which can be different from investor to investor. In the empirical analysis \(\epsilon \) is set equal to 0.
We remind that detailed results are reported in the Supplementary Material.
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We would like to thank the anonymous referees for their careful reviews on an earlier version of this paper.
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Clemente, G.P., Grassi, R. & Hitaj, A. Asset allocation: new evidence through network approaches. Ann Oper Res 299, 61–80 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-019-03136-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-019-03136-y