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Deep hashing for multi-label image retrieval: a survey

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Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) aims to display, as a result of a search, images with the same visual contents as a query. This problem has attracted increasing attention in the area of computer vision. Learning-based hashing techniques are amongst the most studied search approaches for approximate nearest neighbors in large-scale image retrieval. With the advance of deep neural networks in image representation, hashing methods for CBIR have started using deep learning to build binary codes. Such strategies are generally known as deep hashing techniques. In this paper, we present a comprehensive deep hashing survey for the task of image retrieval with multiple labels, categorizing the methods according to how the input images are treated: pointwise, pairwise, tripletwise and listwise, as well as their relationships. In addition, we present discussions regarding the cost of space, efficiency and search quality of the described models, as well as open issues and future work opportunities.

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Rodrigues, J., Cristo, M. & Colonna, J.G. Deep hashing for multi-label image retrieval: a survey. Artif Intell Rev 53, 5261–5307 (2020).

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