The inverse traveling salesman problem belongs to the class of “inverse combinatorial optimization” problems. In an inverse combinatorial optimization problem, we are given a feasible solution for an instance of a particular combinatorial optimization problem, and the task is to adjust the instance parameters as little as possible so that the given solution becomes optimal in the new instance. In this paper, we consider a variant of the inverse traveling salesman problem, denoted by ITSP W,A , by taking into account a set W of admissible weight systems and a specific algorithm. We are given an edge-weighted complete graph (an instance of TSP), a Hamiltonian tour (a feasible solution of TSP) and a specific algorithm solving TSP. Then, ITSP W,A , is the problem to find a new weight system in W which minimizes the difference from the original weight system so that the given tour can be selected by the algorithm as a solution. We consider the cases \({W \in \{\mathbb{R}^{+m}, \{1, 2\}^m , \Delta\}}\) where Δ denotes the set of edge weight systems satisfying the triangular inequality and m is the number of edges. As for algorithms, we consider a local search algorithm 2-opt, a greedy algorithm closest neighbor and any optimal algorithm. We devise both complexity and approximation results. We also deal with the inverse traveling salesman problem on a line for which we modify the positions of vertices instead of edge weights. We handle the cases \({W \in \{\mathbb{R}^{+n}, \mathbb{N}^n\}}\) where n is the number of vertices.
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Chung, Y., Demange, M. On inverse traveling salesman problems. 4OR-Q J Oper Res 10, 193–209 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10288-011-0194-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10288-011-0194-4
- Inverse problem
- Combinatorial optimization
- Traveling salesman problems
- 2-opt heuristic
- Computational complexity
- Approximation ratio