This paper presents a new methodology for evaluating radiology workstation interaction features, using lay subjects to perform a radiology look-alike task with artificial stimuli. We validated this methodology by evaluating two different workstation interaction techniques with two groups of subjects: laypersons and radiologists, using a set of artificial targets to simulate the reading of a diagnostic examination. Overall, the results from the two groups of subjects performing the same tasks were very similar. Both groups showed significantly faster response times using a new interaction technique, and the mouse clicks for both groups were very similar, showing that all the subjects mastered the style of interaction in a similar way. The errors made by both groups were comparable. These results show that it is possible to test new workstation interaction features using look-alike radiological tasks and inexperienced laypersons, and that the results do transfer to radiologists performing the same tasks.
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This research was approved by the Simon Fraser University Office of Research Ethics and was conducted in 2003.
Unfortunately, we could not use the identical monitor for both experimental groups, as a portable laptop was required for the radiologists, but the resolution was the same, and the gray-level contrast was similar for both experiments.
A similar occlusion occurs in radiology frequently due to anatomical structures shown as bright areas in the image, which overlay the lesion. Such is the case of a barely visible lung nodule hidden behind a rib on a chest CR, or a liver tumor hidden behind a blood vessel.
The application remembered the last viewport selected on the screen. One could save the click used to reselect the last viewport. As there always was a selected viewport, one could change both images on the screen in only three clicks.
Note that a comparable plot for the 20 laypersons was not possible as their trial ordering was randomized and less readily obtained.
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Moise, A., Atkins, M.S. & Rohling, R. Evaluating Different Radiology Workstation Interaction Techniques with Radiologists and Laypersons. J Digit Imaging 18, 116–130 (2005). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10278-004-2192-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10278-004-2192-y