Future Internet (FI) technologies are introducing new ways of networking and cognitive data delivery. In this paper, the potential of FI-based architectures for enabling the context-aware content adaptation and specialized delivery of health related information in assistive environments is investigated. The proposed system utilizes the publish/subscribe internetworking (PSI) architecture, an information-oriented architecture built for the FI using the so-called publish/subscribe paradigm. Information is brought at the center of the approach, providing several advantages: flexibility, seamless information morphing and exploitation of context, access control, and security in general. In addition to an overview of the approach and its characteristics, this work also presents the implementation of a subset of an assistive environment, using Blackadder, PSI’s prototype, and illustrates its potential with an emergency service scenario for the assistive healthcare domain.
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Each function call requires additional parameters—such as payload size—which are omitted for clarity.
It should be noted here that other general-purpose scopes can be created for other events. Moreover, different types of emergency events can have their own scopes.
For clarity, payloads have been omitted.
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Doukas, C., Fotiou, N., Polyzos, G.C. et al. Cognitive and context-aware assistive environments using future internet technologies. Univ Access Inf Soc 13, 59–72 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10209-013-0299-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10209-013-0299-y