In the information retrieval framework, there are problems where the goal is to recover objects of a particular class from big sets of unlabelled objects. In some of these problems, only examples from the class we want to recover are available. For such problems, the machine learning community has developed algorithms that are able to learn binary classifiers in the absence of negative examples. Among them, we can find the positive Bayesian network classifiers, algorithms that induce Bayesian network classifiers from positive and unlabelled examples. The main drawback of these algorithms is that they require some previous knowledge about the a priori probability distribution of the class. In this paper, we propose a wrapper approach to tackle the learning when no such information is available, setting this probability at the optimal value in terms of the recovery of positive examples. The evaluation of classifiers in positive unlabelled learning problems is a non-trivial question. We have also worked on this problem, and we have proposed a new guiding metric to be used in the search for the optimal a priori probability of the positive class that we have called the pseudo F. We have empirically tested the proposed metric and the wrapper classifiers on both synthetic and real-life datasets. The results obtained in this empirical comparison show that the wrapper Bayesian network classifiers provide competitive results, particularly when the actual a priori probability of the positive class is high.
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Not, at least, directly from positive and unlabelled examples. In Elkan et al. [15], the authors present an interesting theoretical result that could be used to estimate this value under certain assumptions. However, the authors propose other ways to use this theoretical result to learn classifiers, as we will see in the experimental part of the paper.
Henceforth, we will refer to the actual a priori probability of the positive class \(P(C=1)\) as \(p\) and, in order to avoid mixing concepts, will refer to the parameter used in the training of PBCs as ‘training \(p\)’ or \(p_t\), to distinguish it from the actual a priori probability of the positive class.
We are assuming that \(X_i\), \(i=1,\ldots ,n\) are discrete variables that can take \(r_i\) values and that the class \(C\) is a binary variable that can take two values, 0 (or negative) and 1 (or positive).
Except when the previous optimum is in an extreme of the interval, in which case the optimum will also be in the corresponding extreme of the new interval, not in the middle.
Obviously, any information about the upper and/or lower bounds of this parameter could be introduced at this point, reducing the initial search space.
Details about the evaluation of the models will be provided in the next section.
In the most general probabilistic framework, an instance belongs to both the positive and negative class with some probability. In this work, we will focus on the particular case when the probability of belonging to one class is 1 and the probability of belonging to the other class is 0, that is, problems where the instances belong to one, and only one class.
The feasibility of this calculation will depend on the number of possible instances. When the exact value cannot be obtained, other approaches should be taken.
As the estimation of the recall involves only the positive examples, there is no need for dividing the unlabelled examples into folds.
Note that \(p\) refers to the actual a priori probability of the positive class that is a constant for a given problem domain.
In the original dataset, the attributes are continuous. As the classifiers used work with discrete attributes, the original features have been discretised into three intervals using an equal frequency strategy.
Note that, at most, we need 4,800 positive instances, and only 4,044 are available. To overcome this problem the positive examples in the set of unlabelled instances are resampled when needed (i.e. there are repeated positive examples in the set of unlabelled instances in some problems). This resampling process is used to complete only the unlabelled instances, never the set of known positive examples.
The complete set of results can be consulted at the supplementary data web page at http://www.sc.ehu.es/ccwbayes/members/borxa/wPBC/.
In a given comparison, we have two paired samples (the evaluation of two classifiers in fifty datasets). The test signed rank test is run on the differences between the performance of the two classifiers in each dataset, in order to exploit the fact that the samples are paired.
Both the tests and the correction were carried out using R. For the multiple testing correction, the package multtest was used.
The algorithm does not assume this, but it builds a classifier to differentiate labelled and unlabelled examples which, in practical terms, is the same as building a classifier to distinguish positive and negative examples assuming that all the unlabelled instances are negative.
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This work has been partially supported by the Saiotek and Research Groups 2007–2012 (IT-242-07) programs (Basque Government), TIN2010-14931, TIN2010-20900-C04-04 Consolider Ingenio 2010-CSD2007-00018 and Cajal Blue Brain Project (C080020-09) projects (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation), the COMBIOMED network in computational bio-medicine (Carlos III Health Institute) and the Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa (2011-CIEN-000060-01).
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Calvo, B., Inza, I., Larrañaga, P. et al. Wrapper positive Bayesian network classifiers. Knowl Inf Syst 33, 631–654 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10115-012-0553-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10115-012-0553-2