In this paper we consider a class of non-Lipschitz and non-convex minimization problems which generalize the \(L_2\)–\(L_p\) minimization problem. We propose an iterative algorithm that decides the next iteration based on the local convexity/concavity/sparsity of its current position. We show that our algorithm finds an \(\epsilon \)-KKT point within \(O(\log {\epsilon ^{-1}})\) iterations from certain initial points. The same result is also applied to the problem with general linear constraints under mild conditions.
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The authors would like to thank anonymous referees for their insightful comments and suggestions. Research by the first author is supported by Program for Innovative Research Team of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (IRTSHUFE) and by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Project 11471205. Research by the third author is supported by Program for Innovative Research Team of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (IRTSHUFE), the Program for Professor of Special Appointment (Eastern Scholar) at Shanghai Institutions of Higher Learning, and by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Project 71440014.
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Let \(g_1(x) = \lambda \sum _i x_i^p\) and \(g_2(x) = \frac{1}{2}x^T(Q-\beta I)x\). Note that \(g(x) = g_1(x) + g_2(x)\).
Lemma 8
If \(x+d \ge 0\), \(x_i \ge L\) for every index i, and \(0< s \le \nu < 1\), then
We consider \(g_1(x)\) and \(g_2(x)\) separately.
By the definition of \(g_1(x)\), we have
Since \(x_i + tsd_i \ge (1-s)L\), for all index i, we have
In conjunction with \(s \le \nu \) and \(0< p < 1\), we get
For \(g_2(x)\), we have
\(\square \)
Remark Lemma 8 is the consequence of that g(x)’s gradient is Lipschitz continuous in the region that \(x_i \ge L(1-\nu )\) for all index i.
Lemma 9
If \(x+d \ge 0\), \(x \ge 0\) and \(0 < s \le 1\), then \(d^T\left( \nabla g(x) - \nabla g(x+sd)\right) \le \frac{-s}{1-s} d^T \nabla ^2g(x) d\).
We consider \(g_1(x)\) and \(g_2(x)\) separately. From the definition of \(g_1(x)\), we have
To prove that \(d^T\left( \nabla g_1(x) - \nabla g_1(x+sd)\right) \le \frac{-s}{1-s} d^T \nabla ^2g_1(x) d\), it suffices to show that \(d_i(x_i^{p-1}) - (x_i + sd_i)^{p-1} \le \frac{s}{1-s}(1-p)x_i^{p-2}d_i^2, \forall i\).
If \(d_i \ge 0\), by the mean-value theorem, there exists a \(x_i'\in [x_i, x_i+sd_i]\), such that \(x_i^{p-1} - (x_i+sd_i)^{p-1} = x_i'^{p-2}(1-p)sd_i\). Since \(0< p < 1\), we have
If \(d_i < 0\), We let \(v = -\frac{d_i}{x_i}, 0 < v \le 1\). By multiplying \(\frac{x_i^{1-p}}{-d_i}\) on both sides,
can be simplified as
letting \(u=sv\), it is sufficient to show that \((1-u)^{p-1}-1 \le \frac{u}{1-u}(1-p)\). Consider function \(\omega (u) = (1-u)^p - (1-u) - u(1-p)\), \(0 < u \le 1\). A simple calculation shows that \(\omega (u)\) is a decreasing function. Hence \(\omega (u) \le \lim _{u \rightarrow 0}\omega (u) = 0\). It follows that \((1-u)^{p-1}-1 \le \frac{u}{1-u}(1-p), \forall 0 < u \le 1\). Thus, we obtain
For \(g_2(x)\), since \(0 < s \le 1\), we have
\(\square \)
Remark Lemma 9 is a result of the special structure of function g(x), which is the sum of \(L_p\) function and a concave quadratic function.
Lemma 10
If \(\Delta \phi \ge \frac{\beta }{2}\Vert d\Vert ^2\), then
where \(\tau > 0\), \(\mu > 0\), \(0< \delta < \min \{\frac{2\tau }{\beta },1\}\), and \(0 < s \le \min \{\frac{1}{u}(\tau - \frac{\delta \beta }{2}), 1\}\)
where the inequality follows from \(\frac{\beta }{2}\Vert d\Vert ^2 \le \Delta \phi \). Due to \(0< \delta < \frac{2\tau }{\beta }\) and \(s \le \frac{1}{\mu }(\tau - \frac{\delta \beta }{2})\), we have
Therefore, \(\Delta \phi - s(\Delta \phi - \frac{\beta }{2}\Vert d\Vert ^2 + \tau \Vert d\Vert ^2) + s^2(\mu \Vert d\Vert ^2) \le (1-s\delta )\Delta \phi \). \(\square \)
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Ge, D., He, R. & He, S. An improved algorithm for the \(L_2\)–\(L_p\) minimization problem. Math. Program. 166, 131–158 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10107-016-1107-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10107-016-1107-2