This work presents a formal verification process based on the Systerel Smart Solver (S3) toolset for the development of safety-critical embedded software. In order to guarantee the correctness of the implementation of a set of textual requirements, the process integrates different verification techniques (inductive proof, bounded model checking, test cases generation, and equivalence proof) to handle different types of properties at their best capacities. It is aimed at the verification of properties at system, design, and code levels. To handle the floating-point arithmetic (FPA) in both the design and the code, an FPA library is designed and implemented in S3. This work is illustrated on an Automatic Rover Protection system implemented onboard a robot. Focus is placed on the verification of safety and functional properties and on the equivalence proof between the design model and the generated code.
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S3 is maintained, developed, and distributed by Systerel (http://www.systerel.fr/).
The diversified expanders are designed and implemented by different teams using different programming languages.
Triplex sensor voter case study is provided by Rockwell Collins to make it publicly available to the research community.
The lemma generation is not addressed in our benchmark.
Double precision is quite rare in practice.
The INGEQUIP project is conducted at the IRT-Saint Exupéry. Main partners include academic members from LAAS, IRIT, ONERA, and ISAE; and industrial members from Airbus, Thales, Continental, Airbus D & S, ACTIA, SAGEM, Systerel, etc.
With respect to the DO178, the Lustre model is considered to express LLRs, since the source code is directly generated from the model with no other interpretation/refinement.
Contact the authors for the specification document, design model, and formal properties.
It is the verification engineer’s duty to translate the natural language requirements to the HLL properties.
Usually, the safety referred by requirements means the system is safe, while the safety referred by properties is related to the deterministic process. Here is the latter case.
Lemma searching is not a must. It is possible that a property is k-inductive.
As explained by the REQ-01-4 in Table 5, we use continuous (continuity) hereafter for the fact that each waypoint has a unique precedent waypoint in a mission or in a reserved area, except that it is the initial one.
Indeterminate means neither valid nor violated, or unknown.
The counterexample of liveness property is a path to a loop that does not contain the desired state. This implies that with an infinite loop path, the system never reaches the specified state.
The translator lus2c is provided by Lustre v4 toolset.
Qualification is a requirement in getting a system certified.
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This work has been funded by the INGEQUIP project. The authors would like to thank the members in the project for their good cooperation. We are thankful to Rémi Delmas and Michael Dierkes for sharing the experimental results on the TSV use case and their expertise. The authors want to express appreciation to the anonymous reviewers for their constructive and helpful comments.
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Ge, N., Jenn, E., Breton, N. et al. Integrated formal verification of safety-critical software. Int J Softw Tools Technol Transfer 20, 423–440 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10009-017-0475-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10009-017-0475-0