We conducted an exploratory study that examines the use of shared mobile displays such as mobile projectors and tablets to support group activities. We compare how a small group of visitors use either a shared display or personal individual devices in a museum visit context, in both a navigation task and a media viewing task. Group proximity, decision making, leadership patterns, and interaction between group members as well as attitudes are analyzed. We report on various usage patterns observed with group use of shared displays and discuss user preferences in comparison with the non-shared handheld alternative. Results show how mobile shared displays can support and enhance the group experience, by providing a shared mobile environment. Mobile shared displays increase group cohesiveness as was shown by increased proximity and amount of discussion by participants. Users perceive the use of shared displays as both useful and enjoyable, with the caveat that many users still want to retain individual control. We discuss this trade-off between groupness and individual control, as well as provide an analysis of the relative advantages of each shared display option.
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The work was supported by the collaboration project between the Caesarea-Rothschild Institute at the University of Haifa and FBK/irst and by FIRB Project RBIN045PXH and by the Israeli Science Foundation Grant ISF 226/10.
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Lanir, J., Wecker, A.J., Kuflik, T. et al. Shared mobile displays: an exploratory study of their use in a museum setting. Pers Ubiquit Comput 20, 635–651 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00779-016-0931-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00779-016-0931-y