Ship bridge systems are increasingly collected into Integrated Bridge Systems in modern offshore vessels. By integrating previously separate equipment, there is possible to create more user-friendly interfaces leading to safer and more efficient operations. A consequence of Integrated Bridge Systems is that it is now possible to rethink the make-up of ship bridge interfaces in its entirety. This article reports on a new interface concept for Integrated Ship Bridges developed in the research and innovation project, Ulstein Bridge Concept. The interface concept offers a connection between discrete and generic interaction methods on ship bridges by introducing touch sensitive physical interaction devices. We discuss the concept in light of calm technology and show how the new system offers peripheral interaction techniques limiting the need for generic interaction. Although more research is needed, we suggest the new system offer a promising pathway for better integrated ship interfaces by allowing for a better balance between discrete and generic interaction methods.
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The UBC project was funded by Ulstein Power and Control as well as the MAROFF Programme at The Research Council of Norway and Kwant Controllers. At Oslo School of Architecture and design (AHO) the project is part of the Centre for Design Research: www.designresearch.no.
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Nordby, K., Morrison, A.D. Designing calm technology and peripheral interaction for offshore service vessels. Pers Ubiquit Comput 20, 601–613 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00779-016-0929-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00779-016-0929-5