In recent years, ensuring the privacy of location-based services (LBSs) has become a central concern. While various privacy protection strategies have been proposed, user collaboration remains a standard and widely-used solution to address service bottlenecks and attack vulnerabilities. Although it is widely used, challenges still remain. For collaboration to succeed, users must trust one another and be willing to cooperate, often forming anonymous groups. However, curious collaborators may attempt to learn other users' private information, or they may collude with service providers to extract location data. To address these issues, this paper proposes a Privacy Protection Scheme based on Verifiable Secret Sharing and Trust mechanism (VSS-TPPS). In this scheme, the requester encrypts and splits the main secret using a verifiable secret sharing algorithm, while providing a coefficient commitment to verify the sub-secret data, making it difficult for collaborative users to infer any information about the requester. Additionally, if fewer than t users collude, it becomes extremely challenging to form a complete query. By combining verifiable secret sharing with a trust mechanism, the scheme introduces competitive incentives, rewarding those cooperative users who submit partitioned information first. The simulation experiments verified the effectiveness of the proposed scheme in countering collusion attacks and inference attacks. Compared with the SCPPS, GCS, Tr-privacy, and Ik-anonymity schemes, the VSS-TPPS scheme improved average efficiency by approximately 23.64%, 99.80%, 96.26%, and 94.10%, respectively. The VSS-TPPS scheme not only enhances privacy protection but also significantly improves efficiency, demonstrating its effectiveness in user collaboration privacy protection.
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Lei Zhang: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing—original draft. Jing Li: Funding acquisition, Formal analysis. Mingzeng Cao: Writing—review & editing, Resources, Data curation. Chenglin Zhang: Project administration, Investigation. Lili He: Software.
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Zhang, L., Cao, M., Li, J. et al. A novel collaborative privacy protection scheme based on verifiable secret sharing and trust mechanism. Computing 107, 23 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00607-024-01361-3
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00607-024-01361-3
- Location-based services
- Privacy protection
- Verifiable secret sharing
- Trust mechanism
- User collaboration
- User incentive