Cloud Computing is an eminent emerging technology that surpasses Grids from their IT resource administrations and arduous Grid middleware solutions. At present, users could access an abundant number of pre-defined cloud services or run their programs on demand as a pay-as-you-go processing model without much distribution problems. In addition, the IT business market has pumped enough revenue for establishing salient common-use cloud solutions. Despite adequate researchers have been involved in the cloud development, scientific application developers are still reluctant to execute their applications in the cloud due to the performance concerns, such as, scalability, availability, and service level agreement violations of the cloud providers. In this paper, a survey of various High Performance Computing (HPC) applications and possible performance concerns while executing applications in cloud is presented. Pointing out the need for Performance Analysis (PA) tools, this paper focuses on the study of cloud-based PA tools in detail. This paper could leverage HPC application developers to cope with the performance issues and to best utilize the available performance analysis tools of clouds.
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This research work is supported in part by the financial support provided by the Returning Experts programme of CIMOnline. The author appreciates the many discussions with and critical insights provided by Prof. Dr. Michael Gerndt of Technische Universitat Muenchen during his PostDoc tenure in TUM, Germany. In addition, the author thanks Shri. S. Sudershan Rao, Scientist of the Department of Science and Technology, India, and the reviewers of this survey paper for nourishing this work.
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This work is partially funded by the HPCCLoud project, an ongoing research grant, under Returning-Experts programme of CIMOnline, GIZ, Germany, and Department of Science and Technology, India.
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Benedict, S. Performance issues and performance analysis tools for HPC cloud applications: a survey. Computing 95, 89–108 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00607-012-0213-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00607-012-0213-0