Residual networks (ResNets) have been utilized for various computer vision and image processing applications. The residual connection improves the training of the network with better gradient flow. A residual block consists of a few convolutional layers having trainable parameters, which leads to overfitting. Moreover, the present residual networks are not able to utilize the high- and low-frequency information suitably, which also challenges the generalization capability of the network. In this paper, a frequency-disentangled residual network (FDResNet) is proposed to tackle these issues. Specifically, FDResNet includes separate connections in the residual block for low- and high-frequency components, respectively. Basically, the proposed model disentangles the low- and high-frequency components to increase the generalization ability. Moreover, the computation of low- and high-frequency components using fixed filters further avoids the overfitting. The proposed model is tested on benchmark CIFAR-10/100, Caltech, and TinyImageNet datasets for image classification. The performance of the proposed model is also tested in the image retrieval framework. It is noticed that the proposed model outperforms its counterpart residual model. The effect of kernel size and standard deviation is also evaluated. The impact of the frequency disentangling is also analyzed using a saliency map.
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In this notation used here as well as at other places, the 1-st value in the brackets is the kernel size for high-pass filtering and the 2-nd value is the kernel size for low-pass filtering.
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This research is funded by the Global Innovation and Technology Alliance (GITA) on Behalf of Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India under India–Taiwan joint project with Project Code GITA/DST/TWN/P-83/2019. We would like to acknowledge the NVIDIA for supporting with NVIDIA GPUs and Google Colab service for providing free computational resources which have been used in this research for the experiments.
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Singh, S.R., Yedla, R.R., Dubey, S.R. et al. Frequency disentangled residual network. Multimedia Systems 30, 9 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00530-023-01232-5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00530-023-01232-5