Authentication watermarking schemes using block-wise watermarks for tamper localization are vulnerable to the Holliman–Memon attack. In this paper, we propose a novel method based on the Wong’s localization scheme (Proceedings of the IS&T PIC, Portland) to resist this attack. A unique image index scheme is used for computing the authentication signature that is embedded in the least significant bit-plane of the block. The informed detector estimates the correct image index by using the side information about the watermarked image. The image index estimation from the fake image can definitely be an alternative to keeping a directory of image indices. So it is not necessary to manage the database of image indices for the verification purpose. The authenticity measure is defined to quantify the attack severity by taking the connectivity among possible authentic blocks into consideration. There are more blocks verified as authentic when this measure is high for a fake image constructed using this attack. As such, the blocks for a fake image can be chosen from a reduced number of database images. The blocks from any such image are to be connected with each other to maximize the authenticity measure. Thus, the attacker’s task to generate a fake image of reasonable perceptual quality becomes increasingly difficult. With the proposed method there is no loss or ambiguity in localization after the Holliman–Memon attack and content tampering in an image. The localization accuracy in the proposed method is demonstrated by the simulation results and is equal to the chosen block size, similar to the Wong’s scheme.
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Puhan, N.B., Ho, A.T.S. Secure authentication watermarking for localization against the Holliman–Memon attack. Multimedia Systems 12, 521–532 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00530-006-0068-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00530-006-0068-3