This paper investigates the design of game playing agents, which should automatically play an asymmetric hide-and-search-based board game with imperfect information, called Scotland Yard. Neural network approaches have been developed to make the agents behave human-like in the sense that they would assess the game environment in a way a human would assess it. Specifically, a thorough investigation has been conducted on the application of adversarial neural network combined with Q-learning for designing the game playing agents in the game. The searchers, called detectives and the hider, called Mister X (Mr. X) have been modeled as neural network agents, which play the game of Scotland Yard. Though it is a type of two-player (or, two-sided) game, all the five detectives must cooperate to capture the hider to win the game. A special kind of feature space has been designed for both detectives and Mr. X that would aid the process of cooperation among the detectives. Rigorous experiments have been conducted, and the performance in each experiment has been noted. The evidence from the obtained results demonstrates that the designed neural agents could show promising performance in terms of learning the game, cooperating, and making efforts to win the game.
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Sahith N. Dambekodi and Preetham N. Reddy have contributed equally to this work.
Appendix 1: Some additional details
Appendix 1: Some additional details
1.1 Scotland Yard: the implemented version
In our present work, we implement the original Scotland Yard board game. This might bear some similarities to a game with same name that is played in Tokyo (Scotland Yard Tokyo), and in Switzerland (Scotland Yard - Swiss Edition). For additional clarification, we again provide information on the version that is being implemented in this work. There are two teams in this game. The two teams are of Mr. X. (alone) and 5 Detectives out to catch him. Mr. X. moves covertly and his position is revealed only 5 times throughout the entire game. The detectives must cleverly corner and capture Mr. X by the end of their game. Each location on the map is a node, numbered from 1 to 199. To travel between nodes, a player can use one of 3 transportation mechanisms: taxi, bus and subway, each of which has different connectivity across the map. Each of these services can be availed using tokens given to the players at the start of the game. We have not used double turns and waterways in our implementation of the game. What makes the game more interesting is that after each move by a detective, the detective would hand its used token used to Mr. X, who can use it himself in his covert movements. The overall result is more overlap between the two parties, and the detectives being able to affect the game in more than one way.
1.2 Q-learning: configuration
We have used the following configuration for the Q-Network. The detectives and Mr. X move using a static network until the turn is done. Each of their moves is stored in the replay memory. At the end of the game, the appropriate reward is given according to which a team won (either Mr. X or detective side). After the game is done and during the learning phase, the reward is back-propagated through each move made during the entire game. As we move backwards through the memory, the reward is diminished exponentially. In this way, greater weight is given to the late game turns.
Exploration is linearly decreased from 1 to 0 (as shown in above figures) depending on the total number of turns in the game. Exploration is defined as the probability that the agent will take a random move instead using the network.
The reward system is +100 for a win, −100 for a loss. For the detectives, the reward is calculated dynamically based on the distance of the detective from Mr. X when the game is over. The closer a detective is to Mr. X, during a win it will have a higher fraction of the +100 reward, and for a loss it will have a lower fraction of the −100 reward.
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Dash, T., Dambekodi, S.N., Reddy, P.N. et al. Adversarial neural networks for playing hide-and-search board game Scotland Yard. Neural Comput & Applic 32, 3149–3164 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-018-3701-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-018-3701-0