The standard image representation can be considered as obsolete in image processing area since it was designed mainly to visualize images and not to support image processing algorithms. For that reason, seeking alternative image representations becomes an important issue. This paper focuses on images represented by means of fuzzy functions (so-called fuzzy images) and investigates its sensibility under arbitrary distortions. Then, it shows that this fuzzy representation is less sensitive to distortions than the raster image representation. Finally, it also shows the impact on a practical image processing task, where the fuzzy representation has achieved significantly better results.
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This research was supported by the Project “LQ1602 IT4Innovations excellence in science.” We would like to thank unknown reviewer #1 who helps us to improve the paper quality by his/her comments.
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Hurtik, P., Madrid, N. & Dyba, M. Sensitivity analysis for image represented by fuzzy function. Soft Comput 23, 1795–1807 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-018-3402-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-018-3402-8