Let K be a convex body in \(\mathbb {R}^n\) (i.e., a compact convex set with nonempty interior). Given a point p in the interior of K, a hyperplane h passing through p is called barycentric if p is the barycenter of \(K \cap h\). In 1961, Grünbaum raised the question whether, for every K, there exists an interior point p through which there are at least \(n+1\) distinct barycentric hyperplanes. Two years later, this was seemingly resolved affirmatively by showing that this is the case if \(p=p_0\) is the point of maximal depth in K. However, while working on a related question, we noticed that one of the auxiliary claims in the proof is incorrect. Here, we provide a counterexample; this re-opens Grünbaum’s question. It follows from known results that for \(n \ge 2\), there are always at least three distinct barycentric cuts through the point \(p_0 \in K\) of maximal depth. Using tools related to Morse theory we are able to improve this bound: four distinct barycentric cuts through \(p_0\) are guaranteed if \(n \ge 3\).
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Given \(v, v' \in S^{n-1}\), \(\lambda (H_v \cap K)\) and \(\lambda (H_{v'} \cap K)\) differ by at most \(\lambda ((H_v \Delta H_{v'})\cap K)\) where \(\Delta \) is the symmetric difference. For \(\varepsilon > 0\) and v and \(v'\) sufficiently close, \(\lambda ((H_v \Delta H_{v'}) \cap K) < \varepsilon \lambda (K)\) as K is bounded.
We remark that our depth function slightly differs from the function f(H, p) used by Grünbaum [12, § 6.2]. However, the point of maximal depth coincides with the ‘critical point’ in [12] and hyperplanes realizing the depth for \(p_0\) coincide with the ‘hyperplanes through the critical point dividing the volume of K in the ratio \(F_2(K)\)’.
The idea of the proof is simple: For contradiction assume that h realizes the depth of p but that the barycenter b of \(K \cap h\) differs from p. Let \(v \in S^{n-1}\) be such that \(h = h_v\) and \({{\,\mathrm{depth}\,}}(p, K) = \delta ^p(v)\). Consider the affine \((d-2)\)-space \(\rho \) in h passing through p and perpendicular to the segment bp. Then by a small rotation of h along \(\rho \) we can get \(h_{v'}\) such that \(\delta ^p(v') < \delta ^p(v)\) which contradicts that h realizes the depth of p. Of course, it remains to check the details.
We remark that the second condition in the statement of the result in [19] is equivalent to the statement that \(0 \in {{\,\mathrm{conv}\,}}U\), in our notation.
Sketch of the inverse ray basis theorem: if there is a closed hemisphere \(C \subseteq S^{n-1}\) which does not contain a point of U, let v be the center of C. Then a small shift of \(p_0\) in the direction of v yields a point of larger depth, a contradiction.
When compared with formula (3.1) in [13], we obtain a different sign in front of the integral. This is caused by integration over the opposite halfspace.
By a metric ball we mean a ball with a given center and radius. This way, we distinguish a metric ball from a general topological ball.
We point out that the current online version of [14] contains a different proof of Proposition 1.14. Therefore, here we refer to the printed version of the book.
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We thank Stanislav Nagy for introducing us to Grünbaum’s questions, for useful discussions on the topic, for providing us with many references, and for comments on a preliminary version of this paper. We thank Jan Kynčl and Pavel Valtr for letting us know about a more general counterexample they found. We thank Roman Karasev for providing us with references [1, 15] and for comments on a preliminary version of this paper. Finally, we thank an anonymous referee for many comments on a preliminary version of the paper which, in particular, yielded an important correction in Sect. 4.
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The work by Zuzana Patáková has been partially supported by Charles University Research Center Program No. UNCE/SCI/022, and part of it was done during her research stay at IST Austria. The work by Martin Tancer is supported by the GAČR Grant 19-04113Y and by the Charles University Projects PRIMUS/17/SCI/3 and UNCE/SCI/004.
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Patáková, Z., Tancer, M. & Wagner, U. Barycentric Cuts Through a Convex Body. Discrete Comput Geom 68, 1133–1154 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00454-021-00364-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00454-021-00364-7