The main result of this paper is the explicit construction, for any positive integer n, of a cyclic two-factorization of \(K_{50n+5}\) with \(20n+2\) two-factors consisting of five \((10n+1)\)-cycles and each of the remaining two-factors consisting of all pentagons. Then, applying suitable composition constructions, we obtain a few other two-factorizations also having two-factors of two distinct types.
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M. Buratti is supported by MIUR (project “Disegni combinatori, grafi e loro applicazioni”, PRIN 2008). P. Danziger is supported by the NSERC Discovery program. The bulk of this work was carried out when the second author visited University Sapienza of Rome. The support and hospitality of the department during this visit was greatly appreciated.
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Buratti, M., Danziger, P. A Cyclic Solution for an Infinite Class of Hamilton–Waterloo Problems. Graphs and Combinatorics 32, 521–531 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00373-015-1582-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00373-015-1582-x