This study examined the impact of tropical cyclone (TC) landfalls on the spatiotemporal variations in the rainfall over South China for the period 1957–2005. The target region was selected to show the noteworthy contribution of TC landfalls to the total rainfall during the typhoon season (July–October). Two prevailing spatial variations in the rainfall were obtained from an EOF analysis. The first EOF mode displays single-sign variability over South China with an explained variance of 23.4%. The associated time series of this mode fluctuates on a decadal timescale and was found to be correlated with TC genesis in the South China Sea. The second EOF mode shows a seesaw pattern between Hainan Island/Guangdong Province and the remaining regions with an explained variance of 11.4%. This seesaw pattern results from an anti-correlation in seasonal TC landfalls between the two regions, which was found in previous studies. This is related to the strengthening (weakening) of the upper tropospheric jets and the corresponding development of a massive anticyclonic (cyclonic) circulation over East Asia. The EOF analysis was also conducted using just the data for rainfall caused by landfalling TCs. This revealed that the first EOF mode using just the TC-induced rainfall is nearly identical to the second mode from the total rainfall. The obvious seesaw pattern of the first mode when employing just the TC-induced rainfall in the EOF analysis implies that this pattern has larger temporal variability than the single-signed pattern (i.e., the first EOF mode using the total rainfall) in terms of TC landfalls. This study suggests that TC landfalls over South China and the accompanying rainfall significantly modulate the spatial variation of the typhoon season rainfall there.
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Lee, MH., Ho, CH. & Kim, JH. Influence of tropical cyclone landfalls on spatiotemporal variations in typhoon season rainfall over South China. Adv. Atmos. Sci. 27, 443–454 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-009-9106-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-009-9106-3