The present work introduces a new metaheuristic optimization method based on the ideal gas molecular movement (IGMM) to solve mathematical and engineering optimization problems. Ideal gas molecules scatter throughout the confined environment quickly. This is embedded in the high speed of molecules, collisions between them and with the surrounding barriers. In IGMM algorithm, the initial population of gas molecules is randomly generated and the governing equations related to the velocity of gas molecules and collisions between those are utilized to accomplish the optimal solutions. To verify the performance of the IGMM algorithm, some mathematical and engineering benchmark optimization problems, commonly used in the literature, are inspected. Comparison of results obtained by IGMM with other optimization algorithms show that the proposed method has a challenging capacity in finding the optimal solutions and exhibits significance both in terms of the accuracy and reduction on the number of function evaluations vital in reaching the global optimum.
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Varaee, H., Ghasemi, M.R. Engineering optimization based on ideal gas molecular movement algorithm. Engineering with Computers 33, 71–93 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00366-016-0457-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00366-016-0457-y