This paper examines a spike-adding bifurcation phenomenon whereby small-amplitude canard cycles transition into large-amplitude bursting oscillations along a single continuous branch in parameter space. We consider a class of three-dimensional singularly perturbed ODEs with two fast variables and one slow variable and singular perturbation parameter \(\varepsilon \ll 1 \) under general assumptions which guarantee such a transition occurs. The primary ingredients include a cubic critical manifold and a saddle homoclinic bifurcation within the associated layer problem. The continuous transition from canard cycles to N-spike bursting oscillations up to \(N\sim {\mathcal {O}}(1/\varepsilon )\) spikes occurs upon varying a single bifurcation parameter on an exponentially thin interval. We construct this transition rigorously using geometric singular perturbation theory; critical to understanding this transition are the existence of canard orbits and slow passage through the saddle homoclinic bifurcation, which are analyzed in detail.
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The author gratefully acknowledges support through NSF Grant DMS-2016216 (formerly DMS-1815315).
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A Estimates Near the Saddle Homoclinic Point
A Estimates Near the Saddle Homoclinic Point
In this section, we present a proof of Lemma 3.11. We first quote the following result regarding the nature of solutions to the boundary value problem with entry/exit conditions in the sections \( \Sigma ^\mathrm {h}_A, \Sigma ^\mathrm {h}_B\).
Proposition A.1
(Schecter 2008a, Theorem 2.1) Fix \(\Delta >0\) small. There exists \(K_0,\eta >0\) such that the following holds. For any sufficiently small \(\varepsilon >0\), any \(T>0\) and any \(|Y^*|\le \delta _Y\), there exists a solution \((A,B,Y)(\xi ;Y^*,T)\) to (3.32) with \((A,B,Y)(0)\in \Sigma ^\mathrm {h}_A\) and \((A,B,Y)(T)\in \Sigma ^\mathrm {h}_B\) with \(Y(T;Y^*,T)=Y^*\). Furthermore,
where \(\Phi (\xi ,Y^*,T)\) denotes the solution of \({\dot{Y}}=\varepsilon G_1(Y,k,\varepsilon )\) satisfying \(Y(T)=Y^*\). The partial derivatives of \((A,B,Y)(\xi ;Y^*,T)\) with respect to \(\xi ,Y^*,T\) up to order r satisfy the same estimates.
Remark A.2
We remark on the appearance of the factor of \(\varepsilon \) appearing in estimates (A.1) for the solution \(Y(\xi ;Y^*,T)\) which is not present in Schecter (2008a, Theorem 2.1). This is due to the fact that the Y-dynamics are of \({\mathcal {O}}(\varepsilon )\), in contrast to the more general case in Schecter (2008a), where there is no small parameter and hence the center dynamics are \({\mathcal {O}}(1)\).
Proof of Lemma 3.11
We use the formulation of Proposition A.1 to prove the estimates on the local map \(\Pi _\mathrm {loc}\). We fix \(\Delta >0\) and assume \(0<\delta _Y,\delta \ll \Delta \) are taken sufficiently small.
For a solution \((A,B,Y)(\xi ; Y^*,T)\) of Proposition A.1, we set \( {\tilde{A}}(Y^*,T):=A(T;Y^*,T)\) and \({\tilde{B}}(Y^*,T):=B(0;Y^*,T)={\mathcal {O}}(e^{-\eta T})\). The map \(\Pi _\mathrm {loc}\) is then determined by
where R is defined via the relation \(\Delta R^\rho = \tilde{A}(Y^*,T)\), and the exponent \(\rho \) is as yet to be determined.
Let \(\Phi (\xi ,Y^*,T)\) denote the solution of \({\dot{Y}}=\varepsilon G_1(Y,k,\varepsilon )\) satisfying \(Y(T)=Y^*\); in particular, \(\Phi (\xi ,Y^*,T)\) satisfies the integral equation
and we have the estimates
We now define the functions
We further define the functions
We use the estimates in Proposition A.1 combined with directly integrating Eq. (3.32) in reverse time and obtain
Using these expressions along with estimates (A.1), we have that
and the partial derivatives of these expressions with respect to \(Y^*,T\) are also \({\mathcal {O}}(\Delta )\).
The ultimate goal is to express the quantities \({\tilde{B}}\) and \(Y(0;Y^*,T)\) in terms of the quantities \(R, Y^*\), where we define
To achieve this, we recall (A.8) combined with (A.9)
where the derivatives of the \({\mathcal {O}}(\Delta )\) remainder terms with respect to \(Y^*,T\) are also \({\mathcal {O}}(\Delta )\). Hence,
This relation can be used to solve for \(T=T(R,Y^*)\), obtaining
Note, due to the exponent \({{\tilde{\beta }}_0/{\tilde{\alpha }}_0}\) appearing in the remainder term of (A.12), the derivatives of the remainder terms in (A.13) with respect to \(R,Y^*\) no longer satisfy the same estimates. However, we are still able to estimate the first order partial derivatives
by implicitly differentiating (A.12).
We set \(B_\mathrm {loc}(R,Y^*):={\tilde{B}}\) and determine
where the derivatives of the \({\mathcal {O}}(\Delta )\) remainder terms with respect to \(Y^*,T\) are also \({\mathcal {O}}(\Delta )\), and using the expressions (A.14), we obtain
Next, using (A.1), (A.4), and (A.14), and setting \(Y_\mathrm {loc}(R,Y^*):=Y(0)\), we have that
Finally, we define \(\rho (R,Y^*):={\tilde{\alpha }}_0/{\tilde{\beta }}_0\), and using (A.5) and (A.14), we have
which completes the proof of estimates (3.41). \(\square \)
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Carter, P. Spike-Adding Canard Explosion in a Class of Square-Wave Bursters. J Nonlinear Sci 30, 2613–2669 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00332-020-09631-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00332-020-09631-y
- Bursting oscillations
- Spike-adding
- Canards
- Geometric singular perturbation theory
- Saddle-homoclinic bifurcation