The tax depreciation decision potentially has significant impact on the profitability of firms and projects. Indeed, the depreciation method chosen for tax purposes affects the timing of tax payments, and, as a consequence, it also affects the after-tax net present value of investment projects. Previous research focusses on the optimal choice of depreciation method under the assumption that the depreciation method has to be set ex ante and cannot be changed during the useful life of the asset. However, several countries allow changes of depreciation method under certain circumstances. This paper develops a dynamic programming approach to determine the firm’s optimal choice with regard to the initial depreciation method, and whether changes of method are proposed in later periods.
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We wish to thank two anonymous reviewers and Dirk Simons for comments that helped to improve the paper significantly.
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De Waegenaere, A., Wielhouwer, J.L. Dynamic tax depreciation strategies. OR Spectrum 33, 419–444 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00291-010-0214-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00291-010-0214-3