Since the Hawkes process is proposed in 1971, it has become increasingly widely applied in the field of event sequence analysis, such as social network analysis, electronic medical record analysis, click recommendation, financial analysis, and so on. Similar to the idea of electronic medical record analysis, we hope that the time-dependent Hawkes process can be used to analyze the failure of the compressor station system in the process of oil and gas gathering and transportation. However, at present, the existing Hawkes process model that has been proposed cannot meet our demands well. Most of the existing Hawkes process research so far assumes that the Hawkes process is time-independent, and its background intensity and trigger pattern will not change with time. In addition, recently some researchers put forward some Hawkes process models, while the trigger pattern is related to time, but the background intensity remains constant over time, or background intensity changes with time, and the trigger pattern remains unchanged, while we intend to analyze in between failure trigger pattern change and the trend of the background intensity changes over time. Therefore, we come up with a new doubly time-dependent Hawkes process model and its corresponding effective parameter learning method based on our requirements. We change the constant background intensity to time dependent background intensity, which obeys the Weibull distribution. Since background intensity and trigger pattern between events for the new proposed Hawkes process are all time dependent, we call it as the doubly time-dependent Hawkes process (DTDHP). To verify DTDHP, we carried out verification experiments in several artificial and real-world datasets and put forward some suggestions for the practical production of compressor stations.
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Thanks to Ms. Zhang Yu-ying for her selfless help in my research stage. Thanks all my friends for their company and help.
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L-Z: conceptualization, methodology, software, formal analysis, investigation, writing—original draft, visualization, data curation. J-L: conceptualization, methodology, validation, resources, formal analysis, writing—review and editing, supervision, funding acquisition, project administration. XZ: project administration.
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Zhang, Ln., Liu, Jw. & Zuo, X. Doubly time-dependent Hawkes process and applications in failure sequence analysis. Comput Stat 38, 1057–1093 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00180-022-01269-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00180-022-01269-6