Nowadays, advances in technology have led to the expansion of the use and exchange of digital data, which places great importance on the security of these data. The protection of exchanging messages, passwords of email accounts, bank accounts and many others requires the security of textual data. Likewise, the security of medical images, personal images, captures from military satellites, plans to build banks and many others require the protection of digital images. Thereby, jointly based on the special randomness generated by a chaotic Jerk system with hump structure and DNA coding, a cryptosystem is proposed in this article for both text and image encryption. A preliminary study on the dynamic properties of a Jerk system as well as DNA coding is carried out, respectively, for the exploration of the phenomena and the implementation of the encryption technique. Through standard nonlinear analysis tools, the full dynamics of the system is explored and feasibility is confirmed through PSpice investigations. The simulated experimental results, as well as the security analysis, show quantitatively and qualitatively that the proposed encryption technique does not only offer better performance in comparison with some existing algorithms but is also sufficiently fast for practical applications while resisting the known attacks but also.
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Folifack Signing, V.R., Fozin Fonzin, T., Kountchou, M. et al. Chaotic Jerk System with Hump Structure for Text and Image Encryption Using DNA Coding. Circuits Syst Signal Process 40, 4370–4406 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00034-021-01665-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00034-021-01665-1