The aim of this paper is to analyse the closure system of extents of direct products of convex-ordinal scales. By definition the extents of a convex-ordinal scale are exactly the convex subsets of its underlying ordered set. The first characterization describes the extent system of a direct product of convex-ordinal scales as the smallest closure system that contains the convex subsets of the direct product of the underlying ordered sets and is invariant under dualization of arbitrary factors. Another description is inspired by the fact that the extents of direct products of convex-ordinal scales constitute a convex geometry. A result on extreme points of direct products of convex-ordinal scales leads to a geometric description of their extent spaces. The steps that are necessary to generate closures in extent spaces can be described by so-called pseudo-extents together with their closures. It turns out that the pseudo-extents of direct products of convex-ordinal scales are exactly the minimal sets that are not closed.
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Strahringer, S. Direct products of convex-ordinal scales. Order 11, 361–383 (1994). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01108768
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01108768