Effective energy conservation scheme should support the asymmetrical nature of wireless devices like capacity limitations and signal strength in an efficient end-to-end connectivity manner. Prolonging network lifetime has a major impact on the network and on the energy consumption of each device individually. This work considers an approach in which on a dissimilar-based schedules, the interfaces change their state in which the energy conservation mechanism takes place. The proposed model takes into account metrics like the signal strength and devices’ capacity limitations, and encompasses them into the layered asynchronous scheduling scheme for providing end-to-end reliability and performance measures extraction. This work mainly proposes an association for controlling the power consumption parameters into a bounded limit and within a range of bounded values, measuring at the same time the critical transmitting range of each device. Through the designed two-tier architecture and layering approach, and through the experimental simulation, the proposed energy-aware management scheme is thoroughly evaluated in order to limit these parameters in terms of traffic density, storage measurements and the impact of caching on each device, into the desired values.
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Mavromoustakis, C.X., Karatza, H.D. A tier-based asynchronous scheduling scheme for delay constrained energy efficient connectivity in asymmetrical wireless devices. J Supercomput 59, 61–82 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-010-0419-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-010-0419-x