In this paper, we propose a class weight-optimized Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture for light field all-in-focus image-based saliency detection. The proposed architecture uses a novel technique based on the Co-occurrence matrix and Grey Wolf Optimization to optimize the class weights of the proposed CNN’s loss function. An improved guided filter-based image fusion is implemented for the fusion of sub-aperture light field images into an all-in-focus image. These all-in-focus images are appended to the existing dataset along with other adversarial samples to make the dataset more varied and generalizable. F-measure, E-measure, S- measure and Mean Absolute Error are the metrics used for model evaluation. The proposed technique efficiently uses all-in-focus and focal stack light field images to extract salient regions without imposing heavy computational requirements. According to simulation results, effective weight initialization increases model performance and reduces training time since it promotes faster convergence. The proposed saliency detection model achieved an average increase of 13.97% in the F-measure and an average decrease of 39.83% in the Mean Absolute Error when compared to the state-of-the-art models discussed here. The class weight optimization logic achieved a reduction of 27% in the training time required. The improved guided filter fusion contributed an increase of 10.40% in PSNR and a decrease of 34.75% in Maximum Difference when compared with the conventional guided filter fusion.
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The datasets analyzed during the current study are available at https://www.eecis.udel.edu/~nianyi/LFSD.htm [42]. https://github.com/OIPLabDUT/ICCV2019_Deeplightfield_Saliency [34].
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This study was partially funded by the Centre for Engineering Research and Development (CERD), APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, Kerala, India.
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Prathap, P., Jayakumari, J. An improved neural network-based saliency detection scheme for light field images. Multimed Tools Appl 83, 56549–56567 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-17683-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-17683-x