Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) are amongst the best options for remote health monitoring. However, as standalone systems WBANs have many limitations due to the large amount of processed data, mobility of monitored users, and the network coverage area. Integrating WBANs with cloud computing provides effective solutions to these problems and promotes the performance of WBANs based systems. Accordingly, in this paper we propose a cloud-based real-time remote health monitoring system for tracking the health status of non-hospitalized patients while practicing their daily activities. Compared with existing cloud-based WBAN frameworks, we divide the cloud into local one, that includes the monitored users and local medical staff, and a global one that includes the outer world. The performance of the proposed framework is optimized by reducing congestion, interference, and data delivery delay while supporting users’ mobility. Several novel techniques and algorithms are proposed to accomplish our objective. First, the concept of data classification and aggregation is utilized to avoid clogging the network with unnecessary data traffic. Second, a dynamic channel assignment policy is developed to distribute the WBANs associated with the users on the available frequency channels to manage interference. Third, a delay-aware routing metric is proposed to be used by the local cloud in its multi-hop communication to speed up the reporting process of the health-related data. Fourth, the delay-aware metric is further utilized by the association protocols used by the WBANs to connect with the local cloud. Finally, the system with all the proposed techniques and algorithms is evaluated using extensive ns-2 simulations. The simulation results show superior performance of the proposed architecture in optimizing the end-to-end delay, handling the increased interference levels, maximizing the network capacity, and tracking user’s mobility.
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Almashaqbeh, G., Hayajneh, T., Vasilakos, A.V. et al. QoS-Aware Health Monitoring System Using Cloud-Based WBANs. J Med Syst 38, 121 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10916-014-0121-2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10916-014-0121-2