We consider an iterative preconditioning technique for non-convex large scale optimization. First, we refer to the solution of large scale indefinite linear systems by using a Krylov subspace method, and describe the iterative construction of a preconditioner which does not involve matrices products or matrices storage. The set of directions generated by the Krylov subspace method is used, as by product, to provide an approximate inverse preconditioner. Then, we experience our preconditioner within Truncated Newton schemes for large scale unconstrained optimization, where we generalize the truncation rule by Nash–Sofer (Oper. Res. Lett. 9:219–221, 1990) to the indefinite case, too. We use a Krylov subspace method to both approximately solve the Newton equation and to construct the preconditioner to be used at the current outer iteration. An extensive numerical experience shows that the proposed preconditioning strategy, compared with the unpreconditioned strategy and PREQN (Morales and Nocedal in SIAM J. Optim. 10:1079–1096, 2000), may lead to a reduction of the overall inner iterations. Finally, we show that our proposal has some similarities with the Limited Memory Preconditioners (Gratton et al. in SIAM J. Optim. 21:912–935, 2011).
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We remark, indeed, that the numerical results reported in [21] are pretty different from the results using PREQN in our Truncated Newton scheme, proving that the two optimization frameworks are likely different, and not immediately comparable.
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The authors wish to thank the national research program “Programma PRIN 20079PLLN7 Nonlinear Optimization, Variational Inequalities, and Equilibrium Problems”. The first author wishes also to thank the CNR-INSEAN (Italian Ship Model Basin) research program “RITMARE”.
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Proof of Proposition 5.2
From the definition of \(M_{h}^{-1}\), we have
From the latter relation, if \(\tilde{a}_{1}=1\) in (5.4), then the directions s h and \(s_{2}^{\scriptscriptstyle PR}\) coincide. Now, by definition we have
Moreover, from (A.1)
thus, we have also
Furthermore, observe that \(Q({s}_{2}^{\scriptscriptstyle PR}) \leq Q(s_{h})\) if and only if
or equivalently
To prove the latter relation we separately consider two cases: the case \(\sum_{i=1}^{h} a_{i} \|r_{i}\|^{2} >\nobreak 0\) and the case \(\sum_{i=1}^{h} a_{i} \|r_{i}\|^{2} < 0\). In the first case the relation (A.3) holds if and only if
or equivalently if and only if
and the latter inequality holds since
In the second case the relation (A.3) is equivalent to
which holds since
This finally proves that
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Fasano, G., Roma, M. Preconditioning Newton–Krylov methods in nonconvex large scale optimization. Comput Optim Appl 56, 253–290 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10589-013-9563-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10589-013-9563-6