We introduce a novel notation, the relaxed shorthand notation, to encode permutations. We then present a simple shift rule that exhaustively lists out each of the permutations exactly once. The shift rule induces a cyclic Gray code for permutations where successive strings differ by a rotation or a shift. By concatenating the first symbol of each string in the listing, we produce a universal cycle for permutations in relaxed shorthand notation. We also prove that the universal cycle can be constructed in O(1)-amortized time per symbol using O(n) space.
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The author would like to thank Joe Sawada and Aaron Williams for their helpful advice that greatly improved this paper.
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Appendix: C code to Generate a Relaxed Shorthand Universal Cycle for Permutations in \({\varPi }({n})\) in O(1)-Amortized Time per Symbol Using O(n) Space
Appendix: C code to Generate a Relaxed Shorthand Universal Cycle for Permutations in \({\varPi }({n})\) in O(1)-Amortized Time per Symbol Using O(n) Space
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Wong, D. A New Universal Cycle for Permutations. Graphs and Combinatorics 33, 1393–1399 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00373-017-1778-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00373-017-1778-3