The focus of this paper is on the asymptotics of large-time numbers of customers in time-periodic Markovian many-server queues with customer abandonment in heavy traffic. Limit theorems are obtained for the periodic number-of-customers processes under the fluid and diffusion scalings. Other results concern limits for general time-dependent queues and for time-homogeneous queues in steady state.
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I am thankful to the referees for the careful reading of the manuscript and insightful comments.
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Lemma 5
Let \((F(t),\,t\in \mathbb R _+)\) be a function of locally bounded variation and \((f(t),\,t\in \mathbb R _+)\) be a locally bounded Lebesgue measurable function. If a locally integrable function \((y(t),\,t\in \mathbb R _+)\) is such that \(y(t)\prec F(t)-\int _0^t f(s)y(s)\,ds\), then
Let \(g(t)=F(t)-\int _0^t f(s)y(s)\,ds-y(t)\). The function \((g(t))\) is nondecreasing, \(g(0)\ge 0\), and
\(\square \)
The next lemma provides the bounds that have been used for the analysis of large-time behaviour. Let \(T>0\) and \( \sigma ^n_s=|\alpha ^n_s-\gamma ^n_s(q_s-\kappa _s)^+-\beta ^n_s(q_s\wedge \kappa _s)| +|(\theta ^n_s-\mu ^n_s)\delta ^n_s|.\) Let me recall that \(q_t\) is defined by (2.6).
Lemma 6
If the functions \((\lambda _t,\,t\in \mathbb R _+), (\mu _t,\,t\in \mathbb R _+)\), and \((\theta _t,\,t\in \mathbb R _+)\) are \(T\)-periodic and \(\int _0^T(\mu _s\wedge \theta _s)\,ds>0\) , then, for all \(t\in \mathbb R _+\),
$$\begin{aligned} q_t\le e^{-\lfloor t/T\rfloor \int _0^T (\mu _s\wedge \theta _s)\,ds}\, q_0 +\frac{ e^{\int _0^{T} (\mu _s\wedge \theta _s)\,ds}}{1-e^{-\int _0^{T} (\mu _s\wedge \theta _s)\,ds}}\int \limits _{0}^{T}\lambda _s\,ds. \end{aligned}$$ -
If the functions \((\lambda ^n_t,\,t\in \mathbb R _+), (\mu ^n_t,\,t\in \mathbb R _+)\), and \((\theta ^n_t,\,t\in \mathbb R _+)\) are \(T\)-periodic and \(\int \limits _0^T(\mu ^n_s\wedge \theta ^n_s)\,ds>0\) , then, for all \(t\in \mathbb R _+\) and \(V>0\),
$$\begin{aligned} \mathbf E Q^n_t\,\mathbf 1 _{\{Q^n_0\le V\}}\,&\le e^{-\lfloor t/T\rfloor \int _0^T (\mu ^n_s\wedge \theta ^n_s)\,ds} \, \mathbf E Q^n_0\,\mathbf 1 _{\{Q^n_0\le V\}}\,\\&+ \frac{ e^{\int _0^{T} (\mu ^n_s\wedge \theta ^n_s)\,ds}}{1-e^{-\int _0^{T} (\mu ^n_s\wedge \theta ^n_s)\,ds}}\int \limits _{0}^{T}\lambda ^n_s\,ds. \end{aligned}$$.
If the functions \((\lambda ^n_t,\,t\in \mathbb R _+), (\mu ^n_t,\,t\in \mathbb R _+), (\theta ^n_t,\,t\in \mathbb R _+), (\lambda _t,\,t\in \mathbb R _+), (\mu _t,\,t\in \mathbb R _+)\), and \((\theta _t,\,t\in \mathbb R _+)\) are \(T\)-periodic, \(\int _0^T(\mu _s\wedge \theta _s)\,ds>0\) , and, for some \(\epsilon >0, \int _0^{T}\left(2(\mu ^n_s\wedge \theta ^n_s)- \epsilon \,\sigma ^n_s- (\mu ^n_s\vee \theta ^n_s)/(2\sqrt{n})\right)\,ds>0\), then, for all \(t\in \mathbb R _+\) and \(V>0\),
$$\begin{aligned}&\mathbf E (X^n_t)^2\,\mathbf 1 _{\{|X^n_0|\le V\}}\,\\&\quad \le e^{-\lfloor t/T\rfloor \int _0^T \left(2(\mu ^n_s\wedge \theta ^n_s)-\epsilon \,\sigma ^n_s- (\mu ^n_s\vee \theta ^n_s)/(2\sqrt{n}) \right)\,ds +\int _0^T |2(\mu ^n_s\wedge \theta ^n_s)-\epsilon \,\sigma ^n_s- (\mu ^n_s\vee \theta ^n_s)/(2\sqrt{n})|\,ds}\\&\qquad \times \mathbf E (X^n_0)^2\,\mathbf 1 _{\{|X^n_0|\le V\}}\, + \frac{ e^{2\int _0^{T}|2(\mu ^n_s\wedge \theta ^n_s)-\epsilon \,\sigma ^n_s- (\mu ^n_s\vee \theta ^n_s)/(2\sqrt{n})|\,ds}}{1-e^{-\int _0^{T}\left(2(\mu ^n_s\wedge \theta ^n_s)-\epsilon \,\sigma ^n_s- (\mu ^n_s\vee \theta ^n_s)/(2\sqrt{n})\right)\,ds}}\\&\qquad \times \int \limits _0^{T}\left(\frac{1}{\epsilon }\,\sigma ^n_s +\frac{\lambda ^n_s}{n} \right. \left. + (\mu ^n_s\vee \theta ^n_s)\sup _{u\in \mathbb R _+}q_u+ \frac{1}{2\sqrt{n}}(\mu ^n_s\vee \theta ^n_s)\right)\,ds. \end{aligned}$$
If \(\sup _{t\in \mathbb R _+}\lambda _t<\infty \) and \(\inf _{t\in \mathbb R _+}( \mu _t\wedge \theta _t)>0\), then, for all \(t\in \mathbb R _+\),
$$\begin{aligned} q_t\le e^{-\int _0^t (\mu _s\wedge \theta _s)\,ds} q_0+ \frac{\sup _{s\in \mathbb R _+}\lambda _s}{\inf _{s\in \mathbb R _+} (\theta _s\wedge \mu _s)}. \end{aligned}$$ -
If \(\sup _{t\in \mathbb R _+}\lambda ^n_t<\infty \) and \(\inf _{t\in \mathbb R _+}( \mu ^n_t\wedge \theta ^n_t)>0\), then, for all \(t\in \mathbb R _+\) and \(V>0\) ,
$$\begin{aligned} \mathbf E Q^n_t\,\mathbf 1 _{\{Q^n_0\le V\}}\,\le e^{-\int _0^t (\mu ^n_s\wedge \theta ^n_s)\,ds}\, \mathbf E Q^n_0\,\mathbf 1 _{\{Q^n_0\le V\}}\, +\frac{\sup _{s\in \mathbb R _+}\lambda ^n_s}{\inf _{s\in \mathbb R _+} (\theta ^n_s\wedge \mu ^n_s)}. \end{aligned}$$ -
If \(\sup _{t\in \mathbb R _+}\lambda _t<\infty , \inf _{t\in \mathbb R _+}( \mu _t\wedge \theta _t)>0, \sup _{t\in \mathbb R _+}\lambda ^n_t<\infty , \sup _{t\in \mathbb R _+}\theta ^n_t<\infty , \sup _{t\in \mathbb R _+}\mu ^n_t<\infty , \sup _{t\in \mathbb R _+}\sigma ^n_t<\infty \), and \(\inf _{t\in \mathbb R _+}\left(2(\mu ^n_t\wedge \theta ^n_t)-\epsilon \,\sigma ^n_t\right.\left.- (\mu ^n_t\vee \theta ^n_t)/(2\sqrt{n})\right)>0\) for some \(\epsilon >0\) , then, for all \(t\in \mathbb R _+\) and \(V>0\),
$$\begin{aligned}&\mathbf E (X^n_t)^2\,\mathbf 1 _{\{|X^n_0|\le V\}}\,\\&\quad \le e^{-\int _0^t \left(2(\mu ^n_s\wedge \theta ^n_s)-\epsilon \,\sigma ^n_s- (\mu ^n_s\vee \theta ^n_s)/(2\sqrt{n}) \right)\,ds} \,\mathbf E (X^n_0)^2\,\mathbf 1 _{\{|X^n_0|\le V\}}\, \\&\qquad + \dfrac{\sup _{s\in \mathbb R _+}\left(\sigma ^n_s/\epsilon +\lambda ^n_s/n+ (\mu ^n_s\vee \theta ^n_s)q_s+ (\mu ^n_s\vee \theta ^n_s)/(2\sqrt{n})\right)}{\inf _{s\in \mathbb R _+}\left(2(\mu ^n_s\wedge \theta ^n_s)-\epsilon \, \sigma ^n_s -(\mu ^n_s\vee \theta ^n_s)/(2\sqrt{n}) \right)}. \end{aligned}$$
Let me start with part 1(b). Since \(Q^n_t\le Q^n_0+A^n_t\) by (2.1), I have that \(\mathbf E Q^n_t \,\mathbf 1 _{\{Q^n_0\le V\}}\,\le V+\int _0^t\lambda ^n_s\,ds\). By Lemma 1, the processes \((M^{n,A}_t\,\mathbf 1 _{\{Q^n_0\le V\}}\,,\,t\in \mathbb R _+), (M^{n,R}_t\,\mathbf 1 _{\{Q^n_0\le V\}}\,,\,t\in \mathbb R _+)\), and \((M^{n,B}_t\,\mathbf 1 _{\{Q^n_0\le V\}}\,,\,t\in \mathbb R _+)\) are \(\mathbf F ^n\)-locally square integrable martingales with respective predictable quadratic variation processes \((\,\mathbf 1 _{\{Q^n_0\le V\}}\,\int _0^t\lambda ^n_s\,ds\,,t\in \mathbb R _+), (\,\mathbf 1 _{\{Q^n_0\le V\}}\,\int _0^t\theta ^n_s\, (Q^n_s-K^n_s)^+\,ds,\,t\in \mathbb R _+)\), and \((\,\mathbf 1 _{\{Q^n_0\le V\}}\,\int _0^t\mu ^n_s\, (Q^n_s\wedge K^n_s)\,ds,\,t\in \mathbb R _+)\). Since the latter processes are of finite expectation, I obtain that \(\mathbf E (M^{n,A}_t)^2\,\mathbf 1 _{\{Q^n_0\le V\}}\,<\infty , \mathbf E (M^{n,R}_t)^2\,\mathbf 1 _{\{Q^n_0\le V\}}\,<\infty \), and \(\mathbf E (M^{n,B}_t)^2\,\mathbf 1 _{\{Q^n_0\le V\}}\,<\infty \). In particular, \((M^{n,A}_t\,\mathbf 1 _{\{Q^n_0\le V\}}\,,\,t\in \mathbb R _+), (M^{n,R}_t\,\mathbf 1 _{\{Q^n_0\!\le \! V\}}\,,t\!\in \!\mathbb R _+)\), and \((M^{n,B}_t\,\mathbf 1 _{\{Q^n_0\le V\}}\,,t\in \mathbb R _+)\) are martingales. By (2.3),
By Lemma 5,
If \(vT\le t<(v+1)T\), where \(v\in \mathbb Z _+\), then by \(T\)-periodicity,
In addition, \(e^{-\int _0^t (\mu ^n_s\wedge \theta ^n_s)\,ds}\le e^{-\lfloor t/T\rfloor \int _0^T (\mu ^n_s\wedge \theta ^n_s)\,ds}\). Part 1(b) has been proved.
Part 1(a) follows by a similar argument if one observes that by (2.6),
so that, by Lemma 5,
In order to prove part 1(c), let me note that by (2.13),
On noting that
I obtain that, for \(\epsilon >0\),
Hence, for \(V>0\),
where \(M^{n,i,V}_s=M^{n,i}_s\,\mathbf 1 _{\{|X^n_0|\le V\}}\,\), for \(i=A,R,B\).
By Lemma 1, the processes \(M^{n,i,V}=(M^{n,i,V}_t,\,t\in \mathbb R _+)\) are \(\mathbf F ^n\)-locally square integrable martingales with predictable quadratic variation processes \(\langle M^{n,i,V}\rangle =\langle M^{n,i}\rangle \,\mathbf 1 _{\{|X^n_0|\le V\}}\,\). Since \(Q^n_t\le Q^ n_0+A^n_t\) by (2.1) and \(\mathbf E (A^n_t)^2=\int _0^t\lambda ^n_s\,ds+\left(\int _0^t\lambda ^n_s\,ds\right)^2<\infty \), I have that \(\mathbf E (Q^n_t)^2\,\mathbf 1 _{\{|X^n_0|\le V\}}\,<\infty \). Hence, by (2.4a), (2.4b), (2.4c), \(\mathbf E \langle M^{n,i,V}\rangle _t<\infty \), which implies that \(\mathbf E \left(\sup _{s\le t}\left( M^{n,i,V}_s\right) ^2\right)<\infty \), that the \(M^{n,i,V}\) are \(\mathbf F ^n\)-martingales, and that \(\mathbf E ( M^{n,i,V}_t)^2=\mathbf E \langle M^{n,i,V}\rangle _t\). Consequently, the processes \(\left(\int _0^{t} X^n_{s-}\, \,dM^{n,i,V}_s,\,t\in \mathbb R _+\right)\) are \(\mathbf F ^n\)-martingales. Since the \(M^{n,i,V}\) are purely discontinuous locally square integrable martingales by being of locally bounded variation, \(\mathbf E \sum _{0<s\le t}(\Delta M^{n,i,V}_s)^2= \mathbf E \langle M^{n,i,V}\rangle _{t}\).
On taking expectations in (5.4),
By (2.4a), (2.4b), (2.4c), and (2.12),
Thus, for \(t\in \mathbb R _+\),
By Lemma 5,
In analogy with the earlier argument, if \(vT\le t<(v+1)T\), where \(v\in \mathbb Z _+\), recalling that \(\sup _{u\in \mathbb R _+}q_u<\infty \) by part 1(a),
where the last inequality uses the fact that \(\int _0^{T}\left(2(\mu ^n_u\wedge \theta ^n_u)-\epsilon \,\sigma ^n_u- (\mu ^n_u\vee \theta ^n_u)/\right.\left.(2\sqrt{n})\right)\,du>0\). The latter expression furnishes the required bound. Part 1 has been proved.
The assertions of part 2 also follow from the respective inequalities (5.2), (5.3), and (5.5). For instance part 2(b) is obtained by applying the bound
\(\square \)
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Puhalskii, A.A. On the \(M_t/M_t/K_t+M_t\) queue in heavy traffic. Math Meth Oper Res 78, 119–148 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00186-013-0435-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00186-013-0435-8