A simulation tool in optical networks design and evaluation is suggested. This user friendly software, baptized “SystemBuild”, is a powerful tool to simulate optical fiber communication systems and can be easily used for both educational and research purposes. People modeling optical networks can use it to investigate the usefulness and the accuracy of their model as well as the performances of the system they intend to implement. This Web-based software needs neither a license nor an installation. Merely, a conventional Internet browser supporting Java plug-in is necessary. Moreover, the software can run in all platforms that include the Java Virtual Machine (jvm). Signals and values can be directly checked by moving the mouse pointer over the component’s connectors allowing an easy debugging and assistance to the users to build a complex system. The quality of collaboration is offered thanks to the free code access to the platform.
Nous proposons un outil de simulation destiné à la conception et l’évaluation des réseaux optiques. Ce logiciel, baptisé «SystemBuild», constitue un outil performant pour simuler les systèmes de communications à fibre optique. Il est destiné à la fois pour la recherche et l’enseignement. Il permet entre autre aux personnes désirant modéliser des réseaux d’apprécier l’utilité et la précision de leur modèle ainsi que d’évaluer les performances du système à implémenter. SystemBuild est une application libre (gpl: General Public Licence) utilisable avec un fureteur internet disposant du plug-in Java offrant une compatibilité avec toute plateforme disposant de la machine virtuelle Java (jvm). Aucune licence ni installation n’est nécessaire. A chaque étape de la simulation, l’utilisateur peut afficher les valeurs ainsi que les signaux seulement par passage du pointeur de la souris sur le connecteur considéré. Cela assiste les utilisateurs pour construire un système plus complexe. La mise en disposition du code source donne au logiciel une dimension de collaboration.
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Mustapha Razzak received a master degree (M. Sc.) in optoelectronic from Université de Liège, Belgium 1997, and a PhD degree from the Université de Rennes I and enst de Bretagne, France 2003. He is currently a research assistant at the Université de Moncton. His research interests are in optical and wireless communications, ims (ip Multimedia Subsystem), numerical modeling and e-Learning.
Habib Hamam obtained the B.Eng. and M. Sc. degrees in information processing from the Technical University of Munich, Germany 1988 and 1992, and the PhD degree in telecommunication from Université of Rennes I and France Telecom Graduate School, France 1995. He is currently a full Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Université de Moncton. He is currently associate editor for ieee Canadian Review. His research interests are in optical telecommunications, diffraction, fiber components, optics of the eye, biomedical engineering and e-Learning.
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Razzak, M., Hamam, H. A web-based user friendly simulator of optical fiber communication systems. Ann. Telecommun. 62, 638–652 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03253281
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03253281
Key words
- Optical telecommunication
- Metropolitan area network
- Numerical simulation
- Simulator program
- Computer assisting teaching
- Optical fiber transmission