Indole (1.5 mmol/l) added to suflate-rich marine mud or sulfate-free sewage digestor sludge was anaerobically degraded within one week. Enrichments from sludge samples in defined indole-containing media with or without sulfate were selective for sulfate-reducing bacteria or mixed methanogenic associations, respectively. Other enrichments of sulfate-reducing bacteria were obtained with skatole, indoleacetate, indolepropionate, quinoline, and pyridine. From a marine enrichment with indole as sole electron donor and carbon source, an oval to rod-shaped, Gram-negative, nonsporing sulfate-reducing bacterium (strain In04) was isolated. Growth occurred in defined bicarbonate-buffered, sulfide-reduced media supplemented with vitamin B12. Furthen aromatic compounds utilized as electron donors and carbon sources were anthranilic acid and quinoline. Nonaromatic compounds used as substrates were formate, acetate, propionate, ethanol, propanol, butanol, pyruvate, malate, fumarate, and succinate. However, growth with substrates other than indole was rather slow. Thiosulfate served as an alternative electron acceptor. Complete oxidation of indole to CO2 was shown by stoichiometric measurements in batch culture with sulfate as electron acceptor. An average growth yield of 31.3 g cell dry weight was obtained per mol of indole oxidized. Pigment analysis revealed that cytochromes and menaquinone MK-7 (H2) were present. Desulfoviridin could not be detected. Strain In04 is described as new species of the new genus Desulfobacterium indolicum.
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Bak, F., Widdel, F. Anaerobic degradation of indolic compounds by sulfate-reducing enrichment cultures, and description of Desulfobacterium indolicum gen. nov., sp. nov.. Arch. Microbiol. 146, 170–176 (1986). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00402346
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00402346