This paper presents a new conception of information theory, which proved to be a generalisation of Shannon's information channel in the sense of a bidirectional communication. Consequently both, transmitter and receiver, are to be stochastic information generators. Transinformation is the result of a stochastic synchronisation process of one generator by the other, which process may occur in both directions. However the sum of both degrees of synchronisation is found to be limited to equal or less than one. Mathematically the theory describes the mutual statistical influence of two stochastic processes. Application to a quantitative description of communication between human beings is envisaged. Due to the fact that conscious processes are individually different, the corresponding information quantities are called “subjective.”
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Meinem verehrten Lehrer Herrn Prof. Dr. rer. nat., Dr.-Ing. E. h. Richard Feldtkeller zum B. Geburtstag gewidmet.
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Marko, H. Die Theorie der bidirektionalen Kommunikation und ihre Anwendung auf die Nachrichtenübermittlung zwischen Menschen (Subjektive Information). Kybernetik 3, 128–136 (1966).
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