In some private television channels, herbal cream advertisements for joint diseases are televised. These ads, which are shown for a few minutes on the screens, are generally directed toward the elderly who complain of joint pain and related creams are claimed to be effective in passing many pain irrespective of the variety. In these ads, singers and elderly who complain of joint pain also show up and tell the effects of creams. The advertisements are constructed in a metaphoric language. Therefore, in this study, herbal cream advertisements for joint diseases will be examined through the advertisement of 3,000-year-old Miracle Cream, Miracle Cream of East Medicine and Miracle Cream, which are televised in the middle of 2017. In this ethnographic study, how the relevant advertisements are coded, organized and nurtured for the buyers who complain of joint pain, will be investigated.
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Siri, R., Das, S. (2021). A Study on Processing of Information Storage & Use of New Age Consumers in Digital Wellness Sector Through Story Telling & Creating Interest. In: Das, S., Gochhait, S. (eds) Digital Entertainment. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-9724-4_3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-9724-4_3
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